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First session with my 300 Flexi dob


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After collating my newly purchased used 300 Flexi tube goto dob it looked like clear skies so spent a few hours observing the following which I have observed through my 200p dob so wanted to compare. Also wanted to use my newly purchased O-III and UHC filters.

M57 ring nebula - very defined and used my new O-III and UHC filters. The UHC was noticeably the better of the two giving it an almost three dimensional feel. Looked good through the 2x Barlow and 8mm EP.

M27 dumbbell - I was disappointed when I viewed this through the 200p. The 300p was much better and again the UHC filter was the better. It was best viewed through the 15mm EP.

M13 great globular cluster in hercules - wow just wow so much better through the 300p than the 200p same for M92, in both cases more individual stars can be seen of variant magnitudes

Finally had a quick look at Polaris nice contrast between Polaris a and b

Overall the UHC filter made a significant improvement viewing the nebulas

The 300p is a big improvement over the 200p, it clearly allowing me to see more faint objects and start and the goto and tracking is brilliant I'm a very happy chappie

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Promising start with the 12 inch Paul :icon_biggrin:

Don't write off the O-III filter - on the right objects it has quite a bit more impact than a UHC. The Veil and Owl nebulae are two that spring to mind. With an O-III and 12 inches of aperture, a wide, low power EP and darkish skies the Veil becomes a truly superb object with much detail to explore.

Globulars are where the extra aperture really shows itself - try 200x on M13 :icon_biggrin:

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9 hours ago, John said:

Promising start with the 12 inch Paul :icon_biggrin:

Don't write off the O-III filter - on the right objects it has quite a bit more impact than a UHC. The Veil and Owl nebulae are two that spring to mind. With an O-III and 12 inches of aperture, a wide, low power EP and darkish skies the Veil becomes a truly superb object with much detail to explore.

Globulars are where the extra aperture really shows itself - try 200x on M13 :icon_biggrin:

Thanks, yes I'm excited about the obvious performance difference between the 200 and 300

I'm on the lookout for a low power wide field EP and tried the Veil nebula last night with the O-III but with no joy - there was a half moon and I think there were high thin clouds around so not the best conditions

M13 is a little out of the way at the moment in terms of position as its behind my garage but will come around to my window of viewing is a month or so hopefully

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Good to read and I can recall when I had moved from an 8" SCT to a 12" flextube, it was quite a game changer at the time, the SCT was very capable yet comparably from a dark site, everything seemed to light up with more vigour and each time, new discoveries were made. 

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20 hours ago, PaulM said:

M13 great globular cluster in hercules - wow just wow so much better through the 300p than the 200p same for M92, in both cases more individual stars can be seen of variant magnitudes

Great start Paul, great too see such a improvement.

Enjoy your 12" dob and clear skies

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