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First go at M33 Triangulum Galaxy


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This was my last target of Friday night and was quite a challenge from my LP sky's. I will image next time using the 10" newt rather than the ED80 and hope to get more detail.

Still I'm quite pleased with the result.

12 x 300 sec subs, darks, flats & bias frames used.


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Thats a great pic George. Its not an easy object to process I dont think, but you've more than done it justice. On my (laptop) monitor the background looks a little pale, but that may be just my settings.

Great job! Look forward to the next!


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Nice M33 George, considering the LP skies you suffer with.....Might be interesting to compare results sometime in the near future when you use the 10" to see how the LP skies of Stocky compare to here when it comes to using the almost the same equipment.......


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