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18" going Arp in Andromeda and Aries


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The old limetree still was hiding the constellation of Aries, my planned target, when I started somewhat earlier observing at 0.50 CEST; conditions sub-average, NELM 4.8 to 5.0, SQM-L 20.95. A marker I had put in the Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas a year ago pointed me to an already accessible galaxy group, Arp 113, 2° NE of Alpha Andromedae, thus easy to find. Using higher mags (250x with Hyperion zoom; 341x with a 6 mm Ortho), and guided by Skysafari, I was able to make out it's four brightest members, NGC 70 (14.3 mag), 71 (13.4 mag), 68 (14.4 mag) and 72 (13.6 mag), arranged in a crooked "Y"-pattern. Some fainter galaxies could not be made out clearly, as the field was intermingled with stars, that SkySafari didn't show; and I had no photo at hand. But the group is well worth a second visit under better conditions. Meanwhile Aries had risen, so I went over to the next target, Arp 78, with the brighter member named "Fiddlehead Galaxy" in the IsDSA. 772 was with 10.5 mag easy to see, E-W oriented, with a brighter core region, it's smaller partner, 770, just SW, was with 14.1 much fainter, but still directly visible with a stellar nucleus. The next target was the group around 680 (11,9 mag, round, bright core) with the oblong 678;  691accompanied by a nice double star, and the spindle of 697; all visible with direct vision. Looking with lower mag at a brighter star, I was annoyed, as the dob's collimation seemed to have suffered with some astigmatism. But SkySafari informed me, that I was looking at 1 Arietis, a nice double star with 5.8 resp.7.2 mags, 2.8" distant. I recalled a similar report on Ras Algethi here a few days ago. So I've finally added another double to my list, as intended. Pleased and so to bed.

Two pictures added (from the net):

Arp 113


Arp 78


Thanks for reading



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16 hours ago, Saganite said:

Superb images Stephan!

I bought a copy of  The Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies a few months ago following a lecture on these, and it is a beautiful and fascinating book full of good information. 

I have the same book,fantastic isn't it. Lovely report Stephen thank you for wetting my appetite for the next session, clear skies 

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