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Total Lunar Eclipse from Bangalore India


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Totality of the Longest duration total lunar eclipse of the century. While this is just one image, given that Bangalore was completely clouded out, or rather, my location was completely clouded out, I had previously planned to put the mount and scope on tracking, so that even if there was a break in the clouds for a few seconds, I should be able to capture the moment. The shot below was taken through hazy conditions, but given that the conditions were such, I am happy with the outcome. The next eclipse is due to occur on 21st  Jan 2019(?). I shall be better prepared. 
Scope: Orion 80ED with Orion Field Flattener
Mount: Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO
Exposure: o.5s
ISO: 6400
Camera: Canon 550D

Location: Bangalore, India


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1 hour ago, Pete Presland said:

Not in the UK. I think its another total, obviously it will be wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail and any else other than clear skies ?

Think positive... otherwise you will summon everything but clear skies.

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