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Knight, knight


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I hate to be a drama Queen, but being just a Rook-ie I'd like to ask the King of astro-imaging

Do you plan on adding any colour to it? (as the actress said to the Bishop).

It's a really nice detailed image, so good you could probably get a few quid for it down at the Pawn shop, if they didn't have the cash on hand they might say, "Take a check mate?" :)

Nice one Pete, stay up late or get up early?


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It's got colour TJ - it's black and white (aka the new red :) ).

It was only a test shot to be honest on a night when I was too tired to do anything apart from set up the auto-guider and have 40 winks. In fact I was so tired that I managed to completely mess up the frame alignment - it's 90 degrees round from where it should ideally be. Horsie has a bit more above and below him rather than at the side. I'll do him properly when he's up in the sky for a bit longer. This one was done in the last part of an all-nighter.

I suppose that if I am to get the colour right, I'd better check mate.

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Pete, my wife say’s it look’s more like a Dodo than a horse head, that’s women for you :)

I had loads of trouble trying to explain why the pelican neb is called the pelican neb.

It’s a very nice image by the way much prefer the depth in mono.

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Up close like that it also looks a bit like a decapitated woman in a long dress, with her right arm slightly raised.

Bernie, you can seriously see it? A friend in the US from a dark site and a 20" dob says he can just about make it out.

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I think I agree with bernie on this one..

Last year I went with a couple of friends to Derbyshire peaks and I looked through a 12" Hardin dob.

The seeing was the best I've ever seen and I swear with a little bit of averted vision I saw the horses head.

It glimpsed in and out but it was there.

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