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DaveS's Obsy Build. First thoughts.


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Thanks @DaveS, that is helpful :D 👍

I am in the throws of forming an observing area at present.
The work spot was of great interest as I was pondering my options on this.

Looks great and as you say, often it's a compromise and pragmatic solution that works well.

I thought it might be a power supply but not one I recognised, but you have a rather tasty mount so that explains it.

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OK, so I'm thinking (To get back on track)....

100 x 100 mm uprights at each corner, 1.5 (-ish) m high with 100 x 45 (75?) for intermediate uprights. Base to be 100 x 45 (Again 75?) plates to even out any irregularities in the top (It will be like my platform, only bigger, at 2.2 m sq).

Roof with single pitch, probably with 100mm difference over the 2.2 m width (More?) opening to the south, where there's that bummin' gert tree anyway. Roof rails on 2 x 3 m lengths of 100 x 100 mm joined to make a total of 6 m giving plenty of room for the roof to run off, and make a nice long pergola, about 2 m off the ground. Cross pieces of 100 x 75 mm to support the rails and make the pergola a bit more attractive.

Roof to run on 6 m lengths of 48mm alloy scaff (Something I'm familiar with from working in theatres). Maybe supported on std Doughty clamps.

Door in the north wall, 1.8 m high (I'm 1.75 m tall), probably on the west side where the counterweight shaft will be when parked.

I'm basing the sizes of the wood on what I could get from Travis Perkins ('cos I want this to be Built for The Job lol).


Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Thanks Dave

I know I have a tendency for "battleship engineering" so was wondering if I was over engineering the build.

I'll sketch some plans shortly, but they may be pencil and paper rather than Sketchup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just drilled a 16mm hole through the 400 mm thick exterior wall to run ethernet cable out to the platform and obsy (Plus workshop and semi-mobile rig). Platform PC connected and showing ethernet. 1 down, 3 to go.

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Damn, that was stupid of me :mad:.

I was so concerned to keep the hole through the wall as small as possible that I limited it to 16 mm. If the hole was smooth it might have worked, but given the irregular stone / mortar construction there are enough protrusions to limit me to 3 cable run.

Therefore, live with 3 runs, one of which goes to the garage where I can put in a 5 point switch that I have, or else take the plugs off the ends of two runs, pull the whole lot out and open the hole to 18 mm before replacing them.

Not sure I can put a 40mm hole through, as I would have to source a 400+mm long diamond core drill. Possible I could buy a 24mm SDS drill and line the hole with plastic pipe.



OK, KISS. As I'm running a cable to the garage, and putting a switch in there *anyway*, I'll just take a run back out from the garage to the tripod mounted rig.

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25 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Not sure I can put a 40mm hole through, as I would have to source a 400+mm long diamond core drill.

Or 200mm long and work from both sides?  Admittedly you still need a long enough drill for a pilot hole to line them up.


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I found some 400mm long core drills online, Toolstation do a 32mm one, plus I found a couple of specialists, but I'm keeping it simple. Running a cable back from the garage might take less than a complete run from the office

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