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Some More Nice Doubles In Coma Berenices


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Clear sky, ST120 set up ready, Arcturus appeared about 9.15.  Soon after, Denebola appeared, so I aimed between that and Arcturus and got straight onto the starfield containing:
Sigma 1685 Com, SAO 100307, matched binary, 16".  Nothing in the region was visible naked eye at the time.  SAO number was used get the target on Stellarium.  It was just split at x17, better x43.

From the same starting point, I then found Diadem, everything being made easier since the FOV was just over 4deg and the outer circle on Stellarium is 4deg.  So, a quick hop to:
Beta 800 Com, SAO 100491, binary, 7.2", again easily spotted in the starfield.  The faint companion was noticed in the correct position at x90.

Then an easy hop east, straight onto:
Sigma 1737 Com, SAO 100534, binary, 15", not well matched, so the faint companion was not spotted until I used x43
Going back to Diadem, I spotted M53 (glob, Com) in the same FOV when I moved the 'scope a little.  It was easier to see at x33 (the exit pupil dropped to a decent 3.6mm), but it was still a fuzzy patch.

Then hopping by stages/patterns, I readily found:
24 Com, SAO 100160, 1 + (2), visual double, 20", a clear split at x17, with the companion much fainter.  At x43, the pair were clearly orange and blue/white.  Less sharp at x90.
I finished the session at 11.00.  The Moon was still low and out of sight.  Seeing doubles as such is very satisfying, especially at low mag (when possible), and it was also rewarding to have these successes without using GoTo for a change!


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2 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Nice! Did you manage to split Diadem - I saw it was one of the first on your list?


No Chris - I figured 0.6" was pushing it a bit with the seeing and the 'scope, so only used Diadem as a guide to other targets.  I went for the 7 - 20" range - not too challenging, but not too easy either with the widefield frac. with which I find my way round at x17.  Must say, Sigma 1685 looked good at that mag - very tight, very matched, very pleasing!


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19 minutes ago, niallk said:

Nice report! I haven't spent much time on binaries - will have to change that :)

Must admit, when I started out I thought there couldn't be much to interest me with doubles (general term for multiple systems).  How wrong was I?  The range of separations, magnitudes, colours (sometimes), and numbers of components.  Sometimes easy, sometimes not, but always something to track down and enjoy - very addictive!


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I have started looking at doubles recently under the monthly encouragement of Ed at Castle Point Astronomy Club.
Enjoying the challenge from my much light polluted garden, easier at club location 1 mile from home.

Thanks Ed (NGC1502 on SGL)

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