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SW Equinoxes going, going....

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Equinox refractors - the all-black SW ED PRO scopes with stronger tube, retractable dew hood snd dual speed rotatable focusers - have been discontinued and remaining stock is going from stores.

Still some 120s, 100s all gone and no 80s left in the UK. (Ian King site listed an 80 but not updated and its gone).

So anyone wanting a 120mm from a UK seller, better snap it up if you can find one left. Anyone selling an 80mm, ditto.


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Or they can buy one used when it comes up of course,
no doubt sold by someone who upgrades further than the SW scope.

Damned shame the SW Equinox did not become the standard scope and the Evostar dropped, but price will have had a hand in this.


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5 hours ago, Alan White said:

Or they can buy one used when it comes up of course,
no doubt sold by someone who upgrades further than the SW scope.

Damned shame the SW Equinox did not become the standard scope and the Evostar dropped, but price will have had a hand in this.


Perhaps SW are pushing their more expensive triplets, or making a path for their new 152 ED doublet? Whatever the reason, it will only elevate the 80, 100 &120 ED doublets to a worshipful status. And although there may be a few floating about on the second hand market initially, a few years from now they will become highly sought after as their owners recognise what a treasure they actually have in their possession. Discerning visual observers will always hold the SW EDs in high regard and will seek them out, but I suspect their second hand price will rise rather than fall, and why not, they are brilliant?! 

Ten years ago you could regularly find a Vixen fluorite or Vixen ED doublet on the second hand market, but today they are as rare as hen's teeth. Their owners know they have a gem that's every bit as good, if not better optically, than any Alvan Clark or Cooke, and the same applies to the Equinox and DS Pro's, at least that's how I feel about them.

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Good to hear the high regard having just picked up a 120ED DS Pro (Thanks FLO). But isn't it just the Equinox that has been discontinued? Are the  doublets still available, albeit in the less well finished (but considerably cheaper) form?


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I have always rated these SW equinox ED. Its a scope that could be brought by the average Joe. But its capability IMO were top end and so much cheaper than the Tak.

Anyone who has owned one or still owns one of the SW equinox ED know what a capable scope they are ,with Ohara and Scott glass in. The Tube may say SW but the heart says class with the Ohara and Scott running gear lens.

Obviously if they are on the extinct list . Then in my opinion the only way the prices will go is up. Any quality scope or eyepiece from the past that is highly rated always seems to have an added value to them when they go out of production. Also the owners who are already luck enough to own one of these scopes will also be more reluctant to let it go. Thus again putting a premium price on these great SW scopes



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4 minutes ago, GordonD said:

Good to hear the high regard having just picked up a 120ED DS Pro (Thanks FLO). But isn't it just the Equinox that has been discontinued? Are the  doublets still available, albeit in the less well finished (but considerably cheaper) form?


Yes just the Equinoxes sadly.

For deluxe SW refractors now, its only the Esprits.


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