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Clusters, A Galaxy, And A Pretty Double


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Out at last after a few weeks of inactivity!

3.45 this morning, 8SE cooled, aligned on Regulus and Pollux, no plan - just looking round, guided by Stellarium.

M44 Beehive (open) Cluster in Cancer  - GoTo spot on.  An attractive, bright, loose cluster which filled the FOV at x48.  (It's only a little smaller than the Pleiades.)

M67 Open Cluster also in Cancer - smaller, fainter, denser.  Mag increased to x85, x113.

M53 Globular Cluster, Coma Berenices - confirmed by close pair of stars beneath it, and which also helped with maximising focus.  This object remained fuzzy right up to x203, which I put down to poor seeing.

I had hoped to take in some brighter galaxies, but transparency was poor, so I only saw a few very faint smudges, until:

M64 Black Eye (spiral) Galaxy in Coma Berenices - a pale patch, with a noticeably brighter nucleus,  x48, x85.

Finally, a pretty double - 35 Com (Comae Berenices) - just out of the FOV with M64 at x48.  This quadruple is a visual double comprising a 5th magnitude yellow giant with a very close, faint companion.  The primary had a clear yellow tinge, which was pleasing.  Doubles have so much interest and variety to offer.

5.15, clouds closed play after my observation of some old favourites and a new double.  Good to get out again!



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Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone - much appreciated.  Even "easy" targets can be rewarding, especially when you've had some time out!

More exotic stuff to follow, I hope, as well as further exploration of all those marvellous doubles.


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