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not the best of seeing thismorrning, thin cloud aswell just to make it interesting. I'm having problems with firecapture and the qhy5 mono ,its all blocky so these where taken with my old asi120mc.

hope you all have clear.  happy new year all. charl.

prom off going limb upper.



prom off going limb lower,



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Nice images for this time of the year, Charl.  Tough shooting through that much atmosphere.  The lower-limb prom came out very well.  I've just been considering going out to shoot that one today around noon (it's 4:30 AM here), and think you've convinced me that it's worth the effort.

Sorry to hear of your cam/software issue.  Those old ASI120's still can do the job though.  I used one for about a year, and still keep it in my box.

Thanks for the shares.

Happy New Year!

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thanks John, your so kind mate. the sun seams to be lower this year , about half a deg at a geuss. yes the qhy works fine with easycapture but all pixely with firecapture, I get to the bottom of it , maybe firecapture needs updating. hope you get some nice shots.

clear skys and have a good new year. charl.

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