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Beautiful Crescent Moon with Jupiter, Mars & Spica

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As per the title really, had to jump out of bed to put to bins out having forgotten last night, and caught this lovely grouping against the brightening blue morning sky.

The moon is forming a triangle with Jupiter and Mars, with Spica further South and above. Worth having a look if it is still dark enough where you are :) 

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29 minutes ago, Stu said:

As per the title really, had to jump out of bed to put to bins out having forgotten last night, and caught this lovely grouping against the brightening blue morning sky.

The moon is forming a triangle with Jupiter and Mars, with Spica further South and above. Worth having a look if it is still dark enough where you are :) 

WOW ! how big are they Stu, to need that much time to cool down. :icon_biggrin:

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13 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

It was a lovely view on the way to work this morning, after last night's fireworks! 

Didn't get a chance to see any Geminids Pete, glad you had a good view. Nice bonus view this morning :) 

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Beautiful again this morning with a slim cresent,  well separated from Mars! This time I got the 102mm f13 scope out to have a look, as a practice run for Mars 2018. Even though the disk is only 4.4 arcsec or so, there was some detail at x175, with an obvious N. white polar cap with a dark zone next to it, and a hint of a dark zone at the S. pole. Jupiter was washed out by a band of haze above the horizon.


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20 minutes ago, chiltonstar said:

Beautiful again this morning with a slim cresent,  well separated from Mars! This time I got the 102mm f13 scope out to have a look, as a practice run for Mars 2018. Even though the disk is only 4.4 arcsec or so, there was some detail at x175, with an obvious N. white polar cap with a dark zone next to it, and a hint of a dark zone at the S. pole. Jupiter was washed out by a band of haze above the horizon.


Thanks Chris. Your post persuaded me to get out of my warm bed and have a look. Could only see the moon, but what a lovely, fine crescent it is. Not sure I've seen it very often in this waning phase, nice.

Too light for the planets without binos.

The 102 f13 sounds lovely, and like it is performing well. What is it mounted on? Any pics?

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1 hour ago, chiltonstar said:

Beautiful again this morning with a slim cresent,  well separated from Mars! This time I got the 102mm f13 scope out to have a look, as a practice run for Mars 2018. Even though the disk is only 4.4 arcsec or so, there was some detail at x175, with an obvious N. white polar cap with a dark zone next to it, and a hint of a dark zone at the S. pole. Jupiter was washed out by a band of haze above the horizon.


You did well Chris. I couldn't make out any detail on Mars but did get a better view of Jupiter than I expected. 

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Cloudless this morning, so good views of Jupiter and Mars. It was good to see that Jupiter was supplied with focus attachments on either side, sometimes known as Europa and Io :icon_biggrin:, and Ganymede, on Jupiter's edge as a final focus check. Mars was, as expected a bit small for any useful detail with the 127mm Mak's 1500mm focal length, and Baader Hyperion 8-24mm zoom; and the matching 2.25x Barlow did not seem to improve the view on either planet.

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