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iPhone Lunar shot


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This is a single frame taken with an iPhone 6 Plus using the ProCam app. It was taken via one channel of my binoviewers at x200 in my Tak FC-100D. No processing at all, thought it looked ok without. Amazing views out there tonight.


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2 minutes ago, Some Dude With A Mak- Cass said:

wait a second.. those weren't taken with just an app were they?? or am i being stupid?? there was a telescope involved right??

It can be done! Just needs a steady hand or two if handheld over the eyepiece.

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4 hours ago, Some Dude With A Mak- Cass said:

there was a telescope involved right??

iPhones are good, but not that good ;) Yes, scope involved, handheld at the eyepiece. The view was at x200 when taken.

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