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What would you buy ?

Guest telescope4u

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yes i have read it Martin , and what does it say , just like i said ,get ya focal length down as much as you can , which we have , either use the gps8 reduced with fast star, or ed80 reduced to f5 , camera to start low cost atik 2hs , then SXVSH9 WHICH HAS THE SAME CHIP AS THE ARTEMIS OR ATIK 16HR , we are still on track , now the mount , ok we all cant afford what he is saying , and from proof the heq6 has the ability to do a good job , for what weight we will be using. somewhere along the road we have to stop . else this hobby ,gets spoilt, i think Martin what we have achieved so far is just great .


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Did you check that link Rog! Seems that hobbies across the pond are biiiiiig :laugh:


<rant>Well, they may be big, but I can't think of anyone locally who has spent $6,000 on a mount, and I can think of two short words I would say to anyone who told me I had to spend that much on a mount just to get started in this hobby. The joy of a hobby isn't in shovelling tons of money at it. I remember a wealthy, single, Scout Leader, who, when I mentioned a problem I had with a particular tent, looked down his long nose at me and said, "Well, you get what you pay for." I said two short words to him, and pointed out that married people with four kids pay for what they can afford. It's hard enough sometimes to convince people that they need to spend four or five hundred to get a decent starter scope. How many people would never get started if they were told, "Well, the minimum scope for observing, I would say, is a (you call it) that costs $1200. (or 2,000, or 5,000, or 8,000) </rant>

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Very eloquent rant WH, couldn't agree more. The thing is whatever you have there will always be someone else with something a little bit better. There was a big study recently looking at happiness. Basically there are some fundamentals such as roof over head, food in stomach and reasonable health but beyond that the most important factor across a population was individuals wealth compared to their acquaintances. If you are poor but your mates are poorer - bliss, if you are rich but your mates have more - misery. You can see this in most yacht marinas across the world, if you go to Hull marina with a 40ft beneteau you are content with life alongside the 28 footers, take it to Monaco and park it alongside the 120ft super yachts and you become disatisfied with your lot.

I'm sure the expensive gear is wonderful and worth it to hardened, experienced and affluent astronomers but it hacks me off when they dismiss cheaper gear as junk. Anyone stating that Losmandy G11 ( a dream mount surely) "just doesn't rise to the occasion", has lost the plot.


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Buy what you can afford, enjoy what you have got. Otherwise we all would have the same things.


Its a hobby, we all have better equipment than must early astronomers had, and look at what they achieved.

Also whats the point in having the "best", if you can't use it!!

(thats my little rant over).

nabban :laugh:

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Yep make the most out of what you have and when you think you have gone past the level of getting anymore out of ya equipment Upgrade! :laugh: But if i had the money i would upgrade :laugh: :laugh:

wouldn't we all!!


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£5000 would get me an OMC250 1/6th wave front & Hilux. With a Vixen Atlux and enought left over for a decent eyepiece or other bits & pieces.

This would my ideal Double star scope. A barlow would give a focal length of 4.5m (15') :laugh:

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Yes I agree WH.

I could be summed up with the song.

"In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight, In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight."

Everyone on join in

"Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Imbube Owwwww owww ow oww owww owwwww Imbube Owwwww owww ow oww owww owwwww Imbube"

Repeat to fade.

Methinks Mr Big Mak Telescopes4U has been smoking something?

Captain Chaos

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Lol. Yes its one of the things I like about this forum no one is ever trying to outdo the other we none of us look down on others, less off people all get the same treatment cos we are all team sgl I am still correct ain't I

It is still coffee I smell ??

still I suppose it all makes for a good thread eh?

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