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Heritage 130p collimation problem

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My scope has finally arrived and first thing first i went to collimate the scope.

I think i have prepared for the job thoroughly enough by reading this and this plus i have watched few videos on youtube. 

So full of nervous anticipation i put the cheshire eyepiece in the focuser and with the help of previous guides i started collimating! Gasp!

It all went relatively smooth with minor sweating on my part and it was looking like i'm going to nail it, until i accidentally rotated the cheshire...

... and to my horror i saw that everything is out of collimation! Then i started to rotate the cheshire and i discovered that it wobbles in the focuser! It has a small lip at the end that goes into focuser so it can't sit on it own in the focuser. I have to hold it in place with two screws on focuser and i think that there lies the problem.  No matter how much i try i can't have it perfectly perpendicular in the focuser, so if i collimate with cheshire looking towards the front of the scope, everything looks fine, if i then rotate the cheshire for let say 90 deg either way it goes off... 

What to do? 


One lost noob.

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Firstly, congratulations on the new scope the Heritage 130p is a very capable "little" scope. The helical focuser on the Heritage does seem to present something of an issue. (albeit a minor one) Most seem to be a bit slack, but  I've also read about one being a bit tight so they must vary. However in your case the PTFE tape trick will work with just a bit of experimenting as to how much tape to put around the threads to get the right feel. As to collimation TBH I wouldn't bother with a Cheshire, just use a home made collimation cap. When I had my  H' 130p I found the collimation was almost spot on strait out of the box. The secondary was good and I never needed to adjust it. The primary just needed a small tweak and for that the collimation worked cap perfectly well. I had a cheshire but found it a bit unnecessary.  Once set up the scope held its collimation well, surprising given the flex-tube design. Good luck with it.

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