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  1. Ooh.. thanks! should i use osc preprocessing without dbf script?(in siril)
  2. makes sense but also why is the image also kind of noisy ?? By the way your Location is funny
  3. andromeda wouldnt fit then because my telescope's lowest magnification is 48x I probably should have gotten a telescope that comes with an eq mount for its low magnification like example astromaster 130 But i did hear dobsonians were better
  4. Last time i have taken 100 of them but no luck (I deleted them because i was too tired that day not being able to get any data)
  5. I have taken a small number of light images, dark images, flat and bias images. The thing is that after stacking the images it is still so noisy.. It bugs me off about that stacking problem for some reason I am doing Afocal Astrophotography (deep sky imaging/planetary imaging with a phone) if that is the problem in this case The images of Andromeda galaxy non-stacked and stacked are given in the attached respectfully.. But my question is why does still get noisy after adjusting curves to brighten the image? I thought they kind of reduce using dark flat bias frames? (Why does the dark area around the circle fov get noisy too?)
  6. and should i also use an uhc filter which (possibly) can reduce light pollution?
  7. I've used sharpcap's collimation to try But what do you think? Is this collimated?
  8. My phone camera is around 120 degree fov maybe.. (using samsung s23 ultra) I can't find anything higher than that Also is there a way to fix this color noise in my image?
  9. Hello. I just started astrophotography like 1 year ago and I still can't figure out how to counter this (zoom sometimes reset for my camera) I do smartphone astrophotography and i use Deepskycamera app to take pictures Everytime I observe, there's this black background around the circle fov which i really can't get rid of... Example is the image attached below This same black background ends up white after stacking all my light dark flat bias frames... Is there any way i can get rid of it? Thanks. Lights_0005_20231031_232140198000000.dng
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