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I had to pass on Bargain of a Lifetime :-(

Stub Mandrel

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I just had to walk away from a Celeron C8 Nexstar for about £750 - brand new demonstrator :-0

Sadly he wouldn't split tube and mount.

That's less than the normal price of the OTA for it with an alt/az GOTO mount.

As consolation, I accidentally bought a C90 for £135.

Looks like small non-astro specialists have been hit hard by the crap weather.

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If it's any consolation I bought one (the NS 8) a few years ago, in mint condition, for £650. £750 good price if it is as new and there was a warranty on it but I think you will find it's equal in due course, if and when you decide you want one.


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I paid £650 for my C8se, less than a year old, in mint condition plus power tank and dewshield. I bought it mainly for the mount for it's ability to take other OTA's but the scope was so good I kept it. It now lives in Tenerife.   :icon_biggrin:

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I've stopped looking for kit?  seems like I'm content for now, just need the weather to change, but Lol......the moped takes me back to the late 70's! my first set of two wheels,  the Honda C50, in Blue sold to me as seen,  50 notes, and it rattled/knocked in second gear, but hey,  a gallon of fuel, which was around 70p  back then, I went everywhere on it. I was back on one in the late 90's on a 24 Hour endurance race, it broke, but so much fun! More fun than these rainy/cloudy nights of late, but It'll soon be Winter - longer, darker nights for my part of the World.

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