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Nikon hacker patch for D5100 - which option for True dark Current?


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Hi everybody,

I just got a second hand D5100 (with firmware version 1.01) and I want to patch it with the Nikon hacker software patch 1.20.6.

For the camera and firmware I have, it gives the possibility of choosing one of the two (either one or the other) options:

BETA - True Dark Current

BETA - True Dark Current - Menu based

I have been trying to find comments/opinions on which one is advised, but with no success.

In theory, it should be the same and, in principle, the second should be better as you can activate it at your whish.

However, in real use there may be glitches that I would like to know ahead of time.

Also, but less important, if someone knows what the differenece between

Video 1080 HQ 54mbps Bit-rate


Video 1080 HQ 54mbps Bit-rate NQ old HQ

is (that is what NQ stands for), I would be very grateful.

Clear skies to all.

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The problem is that the Nikon hacker web site seems non updated since quite a while and I do not manage accessing the forum pages. So I was trying with google but found nothing so far. Yet, I think I saw some comment once but can't remember where and what the conclusions were..... Thanks anyway.


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I'm afraid I can't help with the 5100 because I've not owned one. I hacked a 7000 and used the star eater and dark current facilities. Both worked very well.

I also can't help with the video side of things because I was never really interested in video.

The forum seems ok on my machine and the last entry re this hack was less than a month ago. If you want the patch then ensure you use Internet Explorer. I think the website used Silverlight somewhere or other.

The hack won't be updated because it was written in 2015 and the patch / camera hasn't needed to change.

More than that I can't help because I now use a D750 and the patch isn't required,



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Hi Dave, you actually helped me quite a lot! the suggestion to use Internet Explorer was a very good one. In fact, the pages that were very slow to load with Mozilla, were much easier to access and I finally found some important info.


were it says that with the menu based option, BYN may not work but it does with the other option.

Since I use a D7100 for daylight photos, the D5100 will be dedicated to AP and the permanent true current would be fine.

Kind regards and clear skies!

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  • 2 years later...

Hi, im new to this forum. And i might be a little to late, But i have been trying both of the different types of firmwarepatches for my Nikon d5100 for quite some time. Both of them works great, switching back and forth between the different firmwares without any seemingly issues. The reason for doing so, is that when using camera controlling software like APT(Astrophotography tool) in my case, the software freezes up when i use the latest patch (http://simeonpilgrim.com/nikon-patch/nikon-patch.html) and i found out reading somewhere else that using the permanent one( the first patch) will not affect the dimensions of the image( which seems to be the problem using APT). 

I switch back to the latest one for when i need to use the camera for daytime photography. 


ps: I found out that in my case if i wanted to update the firmware( and this might sound intuitive for some, but not for me, no expert) if you want the camera to recognize the "patched firmware", one needs to change the name to the exact name as the original firmware. This is a simple delete the "patched_" part in the name section. So from "patched_D5100_01010.bin" -> "D5100_1010.bin for the permanent variant and the same for the latest variant 0102.


Hope this helps! 

Kind regards Eirik

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