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New Focusing Aid


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Hi Peter,

I took these the other night, and forgot to post them. As I PM'd you, the Zenithstar 66 mask turned up the day after you posted it without problems. Thanks :)

I managed to try it out on my ZS66 a couple of nights ago before imaging NGC2403 and M81 - very very impressed!

Here are the images - what impressed me is that it didn't matter putting the barlow on - it performed exactly the same with a 2x barlow :p Capella was the target star by the way.



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Here's my focus images from Saturday night. It was the first time I'd used the mask on my ZS80 and it took a total of 5 minutes to get the focus spot on. I have regularly spent a good 30 minutes in the past faffing around and still not being certain the focus was perfect.

Left image - close but slightly out

Middle image - a touch too far the other way

Right image - pretty much spot on.

The difference between the left and middle images was about half a turn of the 10:1 focus knob :shock:


(click to enlarge)

Next outing I'll try the one for the 10" newt that I made in time for Kielder and never got around to using.

Thanks again Peter :thumbright:


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I knew I should have waited but at least the crimbo hankies came in handy... Used 1200mm for F8 and designed around 675mm for f4.5

You have a pm check them out...


Thanks Peter, they are great.



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I've just spent some time cutting a plastic one for the C8 (my fingers now hurt and its now snowing :D ). Can't wait for the production run :hello2: ...and some clear skies to test.


I've found a slight technical hitch.... because my scope is Fastar compatible the secondary holder is bigger, so the CPC800 mask doesn't fit :-( . I've tried a bit of snipping of the mask, so will give it a go later. But thought you ought to know Billy before production!


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Managed to use mine on the MaK-Newt on Tuesday, had perfect focus in less than a minute. I had thought about getting a motorised focuser for the Mak-newt but I don't think I will bother now :hello2::D .

If there was a top ten of Astro-imaging accessories this would be in my number 1. :)

Many thanks again to Billy


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Thank George for bringing it to the Forum and Pavel for putting the info inthe public domain... alll I have done is worked with Pavel's maths produced the CAD files and got them manufactured and sent out... The MD of the enginnering company is on a Skiing holiday so still haven't managed to get the production prices yet :hello2:

Helen - I still haven't had decent measurement for the C8's C9.25's etc I know the CPC800 is different and the mask fits the CPC800 perfectly (was one of the first I had doen for my own use) you can even fit it with the Dewshield in place as it fits inside the FCP cell...trouble is you need precise measurements to be able to mount them this way... hence the "normal" masks clip over the outside... also less risky for the FCP this way...


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...(although will my standard tape measure be accurate enough?).

I`d be more worried if you were using a non-standard tape measure.

My CPC800 outside tube measurement is 0.01 furlongs, or 4.6×10-4 leagues, or 1.21 fathoms, or 2.35×10-16 light years

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OK Billy, the focusing aid thread must be a record by now, so i say.

Hats off to you mate for all the hard work and enthusiasm you put into this,

Well done mate.

Now I'm thinking of an Observatory Dome Kit, shall we say 8' dia, any thoughts mate? :hello2:


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