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It's cloudy , so if you can't get outside and look at the sky , you read about it right? Was just reading Whittakers Almanack , seems there might be a couple of comet's  coming around this year? Wolf and Gehrel's ....no idea if they are visible ones ?! 

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I generally dont bother with comets unless they are naked eye ones which are then easily located in bins or a scope. Too many times, i have spent nights/weeks on end searching for them only to either fail completely or be greeted by a very diffuse green smudge.

They all seem to be green these days.......

Gimme one that is big and bright white (or off white), with lovely tails trailing behind it, and i would be all over it like a rash.

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Good question. There are several brightish comets up there at the moment.

Which ones are worth looking out? Normally, first hint of a fuzzie visitor and this forum lights up like a Christmas tree (NGC2264 obviously).


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I've just picked up Comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak in Ursa Major as well. Not really spectacular but not too hard to find either. I was using my 12" dob at 76x. Tomorrow night (if clear) the comet will be close to M97 and M108 in the sky - maybe in the same widefield of view :smiley:

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I saw what I think was a slow ( can they be slow?!) meteor burning up as I was viewing praesepe through my new 32mm last night ...something streaked across the fov in three bursts, like morse code dashes ... 

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5 hours ago, Tigaroo said:

I saw what I think was a slow ( can they be slow?!) meteor burning up as I was viewing praesepe through my new 32mm last night ...something streaked across the fov in three bursts, like morse code dashes ... 

Yes. They can move quite slowly compared to the more normal bright, blink and you miss it, streaks of upper atmosphere burn ups. Sometimes you can see the smoke! You don't see them that often though. Good spot.


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