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My first proper Jupiter


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I have been trying for years to get a decent image of Jupiter using the Meade DSI i used to have as a guide camera. I bought my self a color QHY5l-ii a few months ago but between sending my mount off to be cleaned and tuned and the weather here i have not have a chance to stretch its legs at all. So, last night in between the clouds at various highs i managed to get the following. This was using a C6 SCT, the QHY and a Revelation 2x barlow, took about 1000 frames stacked etc in registax and a little color tweaking in PS4. No where near the detail of some of you guys but for the little C6 im quite happy but as always room for improvement (suggestions welcome)

Jupiter 140317.jpg

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Very nice image. The only advice I'd offer is that the image looks a little noisy. This could be due to Registax not stacking enough of your frames and slight overuse of wavelets. Check out Autostakkert for stacking, there's lots of guides online, and then import the stacked image to Registax for use with wavelets.

You'll find that the more frames you stack the more you can push the wavelets. You obviously don't won't to stack frames with bad seeing though. Wish my first image was as good as that!

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2 hours ago, Stinky_Pete said:

I have been trying for years to get a decent image of Jupiter using the Meade DSI i used to have as a guide camera. I bought my self a color QHY5l-ii a few months ago but between sending my mount off to be cleaned and tuned and the weather here i have not have a chance to stretch its legs at all. So, last night in between the clouds at various highs i managed to get the following. This was using a C6 SCT, the QHY and a Revelation 2x barlow, took about 1000 frames stacked etc in registax and a little color tweaking in PS4. No where near the detail of some of you guys but for the little C6 im quite happy but as always room for improvement (suggestions welcome)

Jupiter 140317.jpg

Nice! That's a goog shot especially considering the current altitude of Jupiter, I reckon there's more detail to be teased out of that. As mention you could try stacking in AS!2 then playing about with wavelets in registax. I find it often helps to just play around with different settings in both AS!2 and Registax, trial and error really. Of course you end up spending many times as much time on the processing as the capture but it's good to learn as the processing is where the magic happens! 

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2 minutes ago, Stinky_Pete said:

Had a very quick go with Autostakker as suggested. i think i am a little too heavy handed with the wavelets as you can see :)

22_58_23 tweeked.jpg

Looks good to me! Did you have high gain when capturing? I aim for a histogram of about 70% when capturing and I try to keep the gain as low as possible. It is difficult at the moment though with Jupiter being so low. Great pic.

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