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I need a software plan.


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Hi folks, I wonder if I may ask advice for what software to use for observatory automation and imaging.

I am currently working on a little newt for astrophotography. I've come to the point of making the focuser. Now I was just going to make a simple manual focuser because it will just be one camera mounted there all the time. In an ideal world I would just set the focus and forget it, now I'm getting the feeling I may have to adjust it more often then I anticipate. Being a remote observatory, I thought it might be silly to have to run out to do it manually.

So this leaves me with an electric focuser. I spent some time last night looking into a few options, I am going to go the DIY route.

I guess the crux of my question is do I go down the ASCOM path or the INDI path? This should really be a question I decide on my own, but I'm not prepared at this point and want to continue with designing the focuser project.

Essentially I want to run a small observatory from inside. Open the obsy shutter, slave the observatory to the mount, get weather, maybe a skycam, goto, tracking and Stelarium.

I'm a little overwhelmed, I guess I need to decide the "main" software before building the little accessory computers?  SGP sounds interesting, then again so does EKOS...

Should I go ahead with the "ASCOM myfocuser" type build?.  I'm not even sure how the camera interfaces with everything, ie: does it communicate with the focuser for auto focus, or is it all controlled by the main piece of software?

Actually I'm unsure if I can even do this with a Sony camera, perhaps I need a Canon, I know they are a little friendlier when it comes to using extra software.


Any info and experiences would be appreciated.

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Hi Alpollo

I admire your resolve in thinking of going down the Indi path. Astrophotgraphy is a massive learning curve and to further complicate it by using a relatively new operating system, to me, is adding further complexity. Don't get me wrong INDI will have a great impact on astronomy in the very near future, Gina is making great inroads, but it's in it's infancy at present. IMHO I would plump for the myfocuser, it's proven and I have built and using three of them at present.

Regards software. I was a hardened advocate of MaximDL and dug my heels in against any of the new software. But SGPro has been a revelation and can be downloaded as a fully functional trial.


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Thanks for the advice Steve.

It is welcome advice, because I am not looking for a code heavy project. The reason being, I finally jumped ship from windows a while back and my OS of choice (CentOS) is the most difficult for me to get my old 32 bit programs running with wine. I've done it easily in the past with other distros, but this OS is just stubborn, so am I. I now have a small windows box on my desk beside my linux box just so I can use sketchup. Don't I have egg on my face.

Sounds good then, I will proceed with the myfocuser build and start the SGPro software trial when I'm a little farther along.

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Well I hit a bit of a snag today, a big snag actually. I thought I may as well post it here.

SGPro does not work with my Sony camera, so this kinda defeats the purpose of building a remote electric auto focuser and operating the telescope remotely. It is not SGPro's fault my Sony camera hardly works with anything. Right now have to use an app on my phone as an intervalometer, not much else to choose from.

I am still going to build the scope and the tracking mount, I guess I'll be standing out in the cold as usual until I can get something sorted.

The focusing sled I was designing was specific to my Sony camera, so I don't think I could just slap on a Nikon or Cannon down the road without adding extra provisions for it.

I wasn't really looking to buy another DSLR for this project, but I'll have to at some point if I want a remote observatory. The next camera won't be a Sony, that is for sure, I'm tired of the workarounds. If somebody is aware of some kind of ascom-sony dslr interface, it would be appreciated.

In some ways it simplifies things for the time being, I've been putting a lot of thought into trying to get these bearings I have to fit onto bolts etc blah blah blah. I can go back to building a much more primitive manual helix focuser with a t-ring and short extension tube. I'll still be able to do astro and the scope will still be a huge step up from using dslr lenses for most of my imaging.

Thanks all the same, I will put this advice to good use and some point in the future.

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My advice: Indi server on raspberry pi (running ubuntu) with phd or lin_guider. Ekos/kstars as client. Tested and work great. Using guider on the RPi means that even if your connection drops, you won't lose guiding. Ekos/kstars can save images on either the server or the client.

Ekos/kstars has plate solving with spot on goto alignment. E.g. I put m81 dead center on my tiny ASI120 chip (st80 scope)

All software is freeware, so it's as cheap as it gets. Only investments are a raspberry pi and an eqdir cable. Assuming you already have an indi/eqmod compatible mount.

You can find video clips on indilib.org / youtube, showing complete astrohotography automation using indi.

I would use it always, if my imaging camera (aged pentax dslr) would connect to a computer. As soon as I replace this camera, I will stow away my synscan hand controller for good.

Hope this helps

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It's all right here, Alpollo. :wink:

A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away... TekkyDave gave the world his efforts towards an ASCOM based focuser. (SGL Link) Being one to engage and encourage advancing EAA, it was a natural for me to continue towards a dream of mine to have as much remote control as possible. And a wirelessly as possible. Or in my case Lesswirely. :thumbsup: I still use my huge AGM battery as my power source, and have now a mere two 12 volt wires to my mount.

I like tried and true means. I like it when things work. So I gravitated to ASCOM because it is a basis of many of the manufacturers building our equipment.

Dave's AFF2 focuser project has grown into a nicely refined focusing control. It is Arduino based for control of a common 28BJY-48 geared Stepper motor. I, like yourself, was after this doing away with trips out to my mount for things like focusing, filter wheel changes, or general mount control. I was after this next step like a rat on cheese.  When I hit a snag, I PM'd Dave who graciously helped me by pointing out some things I had left out of the Arduino programing. The programming relies on some 'libraries' to do some of the basics. Then I was literally cheering as my little bread board project came to life.

Then it was time to build it into a small project box, and connect it to my telescopes focuser. That requires fitting up a way to mount the box. All of this may sound daunting, and to some I imagine it is. If so, it might be a good idea to change tack now and look to the commercially available focusing additions. But if you are willing, you should be able to succeed. :icon_salut:

Once I got my version of Dave's AFF2 fully functional, I longed for more revision. A friend and mentor of mine planted a seed in my brain about Stick computers. It made sense since my goal was remote operation. I had pondered a computer at my mount to be a permanent part of it, and wireless if possible. In that, I've succeeded.  But much of what helped me was from Cloudy Nights Forum

But the path can be fraught with some stones. Nothing that can't be overcome, just takes a lot of patience, and getting by with a little help from your friends. :hello2:

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