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Astro Software For Linux?


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Good morning,

I am a very big Linux user and have been for quite a while. I build my own distributions etc.

I am looking for some good replacements for windows astronomy software.

I know Stellarium works but I am mainly looking for a good imaging package.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great!


Emil :)

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I would suggest that you look at the INDI project.


INDI is the equivalent of ASCOM and from there you can use Kstars and Ekos (also on the INDI page) to control the mount, focuser, DSLR, CCD, filter wheel, focusing, plate solving, guiding, dome control and so much more...

Also note that Pixinsight is running natively on Linux and can be used as an INDI client.


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+1 for Ekos/kstars

I have set up a Raspberry pi with ubuntu mate and indi server. This is connected to my AZ EQ6 with an eqdir cable. Client is ekos/kstars running on a virtual ubuntu machine under windows.

Kstars is a stellarium-like software package that has the ability to completely control an observatory, including image aqcuisition and guiding, through the Ekos module.

Yesterday, during a rare gap in the clouds, I managed to use it for polar alignment and goto alignment. Plate solving put M81 smack in the middle of my ASI 120MM with a 400 mm fl scope.

While I find the polar alignment module difficult to use, I can highly recommend this piece of software.


Ekos/kstars is also available as Windows software, but the astrometry plate solver isn't.


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About a year ago I discovered and now regularly using Regim, a pure Java register & stacking program. Had to disable it's own RAW importer (buggy with my Olympus ORFs) and use DCRaw instead. Has some rough points but does the job (mostly).

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2 hours ago, alacant said:

Hi. There's distroastro, a distribution which has everything under one roof. HTH.

Thanks for your post, DistroAstro is not updated any more as far as I know because I think it was built on an old version of Ubuntu, if I remember rightly... I will have another look at it though. :)

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