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First ever proper session


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Whilst I was at work today, Parcelforce delivered 2 large boxes and a little jiffy bag. The two boxes contained my first scope- Sky watcher explorer 150P complete with 10mm and 25mm eyepieces, a X2 Barlow and my EQ3-2 mount. The jiffy bag was my planetary and moon filter set.

I unpacked the gear and spent some time setting the equipment up then had dinner. As soon as I had eaten, the excitement got the better of me and I was outside where the cloud had cleared and the Moon was high and bright. I aligned the mount with Polaris and used the moon to centre my finder scope with the main scope. I then set to having a look at our nearest neighbour.

Wow! I am hooked. I spent a good 40 minutes swapping between eyepieces and the Barlow, getting a feel for how they perform and the relative merits of each combination. Having fallen back in love with the moon, I decided to try for a DSO and, utilising Starlight for guidance along with some remembered tips from on here over the last few days, I located the rough vicinity of Andromeda. I aligned the scope using the finder and then started to do a bit of 'fishing'. After a few minutes of using the slow motion controls on the mount, a hazy blob came into view. I centred it and, again falling back on advice from here, relaxed into looking through the eyepiece and averting my gaze slightly. Before I knew it, the hazy blob had resolved into a milky cloud with a brighter heart. I was looking at my first ever galaxy! Another 40 minutes exploring the effects of the optics on my view of M31 and I then had to call it a night. 

I dedicate this report to all who have advised and guided me since my arrival in the lounge.

Thank you all!

P.S. Is there another smaller fuzzy feature in close proximity to M31 (i think right and slightly up as my view moved so slightly left and down in real orientation)? If so, I may have seen this also but it could well have been tired eyes playing tricks.

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What a nice report - and a successful 1st session by the sound of it :icon_biggrin:

There are 2 other galaxies close to M31, M32 which looks like a fuzzy star quite close beside M31 and M110 which is quite a bit fainter, oval and translucent a bit further away on the other side of M31 to M32. Sounds like you got M32 as well (M110 would probably have been washed out by the moonlight) so thats your 1st two galaxies and 1st two Messier objects as well :thumbright:

DSO's generally look a lot better when there is no moon around so there is much more to come here !

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