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Just a couple of hours under a huge gibbous moon . Watching and waiting for hours of heavy rain to end and as the clouds cleared , grabbed a scope. First up ," Hind's Crimson star" in Lepus. It must be going through the lis end of its variability. All the times that I had looked at it and this was the first time that it looked like a blood orange. Absolutely stunning , held the view for some time. Up yo the Trap and just a glimpse of the E star. For a treat , Beta Monocerotis gave a the lovely clear and bright triple.

Over to Cancer and Tegmine (Zeta), crank up the mag and in the frac the left hand bright star splits. It buzzed in and out, not brilliant seeing, but it's a close 1.1". Nothing much doing with the rest of the sky, so turned to the Moon. Some lovely contrasting views of wrinkle ridges and rills, just stuck around Gassendi,IMG_4291.PNG

old Nick.

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Nice report Nick. My sky cleared around 10pm ish, and had a couple of hours observing some double stars. I also managed to get a good view of Uranus, which held pretty well at 290x with my 2.5x TV Powermate with 6mm WO EPin my 80ED DS-Pro. Finished off the night looking at the beautiful double Cor Caroli. :) 

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Excellent Nick.  You may be aware but there is a good article on those almost 'proper red' stars in this months S@N.  Hind's Crimson obviously gets a mention but there are others I might try and see that aren't so low for me.

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A nice report; I also started when the rain finally stopped (23:00), and tried my hand at some of the more challenging doubles in the Orion area. Trapezium E and F - very easy with my 180 Mak, although I've found these a real challenge in the past with my 127 Mak - amazing how much difference a couple of inches makes!

52 Orionis split after ten minutes or so as the scope cooled, but 32 Orionis remained stubbornly un-split (seeing was about 3.5 to 4/5) although it's split in the past. Needs better seeing. At that point, a neighbour appeared walking his dog, demanded a view, and we spent an enjoyable hour looking at celestial goodies (time well spent as he's a keen security light man!)


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