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NGC 1499 in (Ha)-SHO


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Televue np101is with 0.8x reducer, SBIG STT-8300 with self guiding filter wheel and 3nm Astrodon filters.  31 hours of data

Ha-20 30 min subs

OIII-20 30 min subs

SII 22 30 min subs

I know there are issues with the image which may take me quite some time to work out.  Meanwhile, not too bad for 20 minutes of processing (after calibration, alignment and integration).  I wanted to post the image before I over-process it to death.  I think this is one image where drizzle integration may prove beneficial.  As is typical, I will fill up a few gigabytes of my hard drive with various versions of this image.  Maybe one of them will be better than this one. 



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11 minutes ago, Magnus_e said:

I like the first one best, but hen I really like the first one!

Opened the full-size version and spent some time looking at the detail.

A truly lovely image :)

Thanks Magnus_e.  Glad you enjoyed getting lost in the mountains of California!

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I did a drizzle version but with a 1x scale--so the image is not larger.  I liked parts of it better--but not other parts.  So I blended it 50%/50% with the original image 9Actually, I think I blended it with the second image--darn it).  Starting to get there though!



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Here's a version I think is better.  I am aware of the processing artifacts in one area and I know why they are there, and I knew how to get rid of them.  Unfortunately my software froze up my computer--which happens quite frequently and no-one can tell me why (its a very powerful computer).  Anyway--I could have reversed steps back to that point, eliminated the step, and then redid the steps after that and the artifacts would have been gone.  But I had to close down Pixinsight so I can't do that now.  I still think this image is better--I will do another and try to avoid the artifacts 9maybe you don't see them?)


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26 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Think you nailed this on the first outing.  Prefer first version of them all.  Sometimes it's just right.  Lovely depth and detail (run that HLVP script and kill the purple star halos though :) )


I have to disagree my friend--I like the first one least of all:icon_biggrin:   Regarding the halos--only 2 stars have them and I find when I run the magenta star removal script the stars get bigger.  Is the HLVP script a different one?  It is not on my version of PI.  But this is blue not magenta--so is it a different formula?  

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47 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Think you nailed this on the first outing.  Prefer first version of them all.  Sometimes it's just right.  Lovely depth and detail (run that HLVP script and kill the purple star halos though :) )


Here's the latest version with the magenta star removal script as you suggest.  I do like what it does to the image--but I don't like the fact that the stars (some of then) are bigger.  The bright one lower right is not, strangely.  It does give another color to the pallet along upper region though (turns some of the blue to a teal).


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2 hours ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Think you nailed this on the first outing.  Prefer first version of them all.  Sometimes it's just right.  Lovely depth and detail (run that HLVP script and kill the purple star halos though :) )



4 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

I like both but the second one has the edge for me.

OK--here is the final version for now.  Mount Crumpet stands tall and CLEAR.  I am a detail man so I know its not for everyone.  Used the purple halo script but limited it s extent with a mask.


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4 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

That has a nice all round balance.  Paddy

Thanks Paddy--no offense intended of course.  In a month or so I will probably see that you were right.  I do like the last one though.  Can'y keep my fingers out of the paintbowl though.

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30 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

That has a nice all round balance.  Paddy

I LIED!!!1  Well--couldn't stay away.  Here is the final one--Promise.  Valleys more defined--peaks clearer. 


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33 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Thanks Paddy--no offense intended of course.  In a month or so I will probably see that you were right.  I do like the last one though.  Can'y keep my fingers out of the paintbowl though.

It's what makes it all fun - we all see slightly different things and have different tastes.  Else we would all be making the same version of the same picture :) 


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Now I see the processing artifacts along the bright rim at bottom of nebula.  Darn it--This version seems to be floating in space before my eyes.  Oh well--you can't see them unless you zoom, so that's something I guess.  Back to the drawing board.

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Found it--a blend of 5abc (the very detailed one with processing artifacts) and version 6 about--the toned down one.  Processing artifacts gone--best of both worlds.  I know many don't like it (for the life of me I can't figure out why).  To Pixinsightish?  Pixinsight does not create details.  The details are there.  Why not reveal them?


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