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HEQ5 Pro Handset Problems


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Hi, was using my HEQ5 Pro last night and had the following problem after completing the alignment process, pressed M (for Messier) did a GoTo for M42 which the mount completed, but was then unable to select another object or indeed to exit from M42 and do anything other than change the motor speeds. Turning on and off then repeated the alignment process but now when pressing M for the first time the handset returned to begin alignment, only after pressing M a second time would it allow selection of a different Messier object, M35 this time, which it slewed to without problem, but then the same problem, unable to do anything but change motor speeds. Tried factory reset, no change, in behaviour, restarted and checked power using the utility menu, 12.3v. Checked the power lead to the mount, changed it on the off chance, no change, but did notice that the power light was pulsing regularly, not intermittent as if it was a bad connection. Going to try downloading the firmware again but any suggestions / advice that could be offered would be gratefully received.

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I was using a 12v, 11Ah motorcycle battery last night but I also have a 12v Maplin bench power supply which I will try directly; not quite woken up yet, still on 2nd cup of coffee :)

Am I right in thinking that I can replace the mount to handset cable with a Cat 5 patch lead ?



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OK thanks going to try the network lead next.

Switching to the Maplin power supply and a change of power leads has stopped the power light pulsing, it's solid red now.

But thus far no change with the handset, it will do alignment and the first goto but then all you can do is change motor speed, cycle through the object information, or manually slew to new objects. Anyway network leads next, will report back in 20 min or so. 

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Have now tried several different network leads without changing the handsets behaviour; it does alignment and the first goto but then all you can do is change motor speed, cycle through the object information, or manually slew to new objects. The current version of firmware as listed on the handset is 04.05.09 so now going to try reloading / updating firmware.

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The handset updated OK and now displays version 04.38.09. I've also had a contact cleaning session but still have the same problem, the handset initialises, I goes through its initial setup either with GPS connected or without then do the alignment process, 1, 2 or 3 star stars, I get an alignment successful message, press enter...

now, post update, I get a message, CAUTION... The values of the previous CE & NPE are applied. I press enter...

if I've done 3 star align Mel & Maz values are displayed. I press enter...

And I'm back to select alignment method.

If I now press M, Planet, etc. I get the option to select an object and GoTo it but as previously I can only do this once then the handset wont do anything but change motor speeds, cycle through the selected objects information or slew manually.

It almost seems as though my handset is stuck in an endless loop of alignment.

I'm assuming this means my handset is corrupt in some way?

The only other thing I can think of is to persuade my friend to bring the handset from his EQ6 round and see if the mount performs OK with that connected the only thing is I'm not sure if the handsets are the same. If anyone could confirm that would help.

Any other things I can do or check?



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How are you trying to select the next object? I find on my v4 handset that once it has gone to an object I have to press ESC a couple of times to get back to a point where I can select a new object. Otherwise pressing the Messier/NGC/Object etc buttons just cycles round the info.


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Immediately after completing the alignment phase from Mel & Maz values being displayed the [Esc] button has no effect only [Enter] seems to move the process on and once that first GoTo has been done only the [Rate] button, [Up] /[Down] buttons either side of [0] and the slew buttons have any effect.

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Problem solved, turns out the [ESC] button wasn't working. Took the handset apart and found some residue on the contacts for the [ESC] button, removed with some contact cleaner and a cotton bud.

Thanks for all the advice.

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