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Adventures into Widefield. The Pleiades

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well this is the first of my winter targets and the first with this widefield set up- 1200d unmodded and super-takumar vintage lens i got off Chris "thanks chris". 15 x 45sec shots on the wide on and 10x 60sec for the smaller. iso 800. im still learning how to process these widefield jobes, but am quite happy with how thay have turned out with a unmodded cam. i might get another chance tonight if the skys keep clear. thanks for looking and i hope you have clear skys. charl.

its hard to judge how much black to clip

Pleiades1-10-16 23.00 crop2.png

same image but slighty diff colour but the black clipped more and less of a crop.

Pleiades 1-10-16 23.00. closer.png

wide. as it comes out the camera and staxed with little processing.

Pleiades1-10-16 23.00.png

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I was looking there too, Charl, early this morning.  I was pleased to spot nebulosity around the four main stars of the Pleiades, especially Alcyone - classed as vdb23.

It confirmed the importance of exit pupil, since when it was too high or too low, the nebulosity was hard to spot.  3 or 4mm is the predicted optimum, and that worked for me!

Also, the Pleiades look great in the widefield ST120.


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thanks Doug, i was allso doing a bit of vis while taking these shots, and the neb was showing well to the eye with my 120mm f5, just with the badder zoom eyepeice, there loads of neb in the whole area, i really enjoyed my session, i was going to wait for orion to rise but i had a late night the night before so come 1am i could hardly keep my eyes open, but tonight we may get another chance ,i might have a allnight if the seeings good. clear skys .charl.

1 hour ago, cloudsweeper said:

I was looking there too, Charl, early this morning.  I was pleased to spot nebulosity around the four main stars of the Pleiades, especially Alcyone - classed as vdb23.


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Very Nice, Charl! For what it's worth, I am quite happy to stick with a
(rather similar) unmodded Canon 100D - I reckon response is ~1/3
in the region H-Alpha... But that's only just over one magnitude... :D

Repeat until it sounds convincing? The Pleiades are BLUE anyway! :p

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thanks Chris, me too , Ive a modded cam but just like the ease of using the unmodded, and like you say the Pleiades is blue, and the orion neb has a lot too, probley wont use my modded one until I get to the flame. its cloudy here now, hope it clears I'm setup waiting for my chance.  charl.

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12 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

 the whole area including Orion is my most fav in the sky.  clear skys  charl.

Love Orion too.  I've recently seen some great images of the whole constellation with all the various nebulas in shot.

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4 minutes ago, Dave S said:

Love Orion too

agreed mate, i also got some shots with my ed80 of orion sword, there not great because i could only get 8x40sec shots with the darn cloud, the stars are a bit stretched in the corners, sony alpha camera used. charl.

the Great Orion Nebula.png1-10-16.png

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