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Barnard's Star


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Looking back through my observing log book the other night I came across a sketch where I had recorded the position of Barnard's Star in Ophiuchus. The intention was to wait a while and compare positions to see if i could detect any proper motion. Well quite a few years have passed since my initial sketch so last night I got out for another look.

Wow - it has moved lots! Plotting the two positions I've recorded gave an estimated proper motion of 11" year which is pretty close to the 10.3" from google so I'm quite chuffed with that, feels like I've done a bit of proper science!


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Thanks for all the kind words everybody.

I sketched up 61 Cygni a couple of nights ago as suggested in a good S&T article on Barnards star I found on the web last week. I'll see how this one (or two as it's a nice double) moves. hopefully I won't wait quite so long to check it this time.


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