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Lunt Herschel Wedge arrives (Anticipation...)


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I guess I NEED to know how a Herschel Wedge might perform, compared to various 
White Light filters  - Homebrew and "Posh"? Here we sit, like birds in the wilderness?
But I will be ready (almost focussed too?) if the Sun puts in an appearance today! :p

I like to think of myself as being very conscious of (solar) heath and safety  but have
also slightly "singed" facial hair and clothing. Maybe this is "all for the Best" re. ME! 
(Hardly needs to be underlined here, but do be careful folks!) ;)


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Thanks Folks! :) Seems like a "good thing" anyway!
"Lead kindly light, midst the encircling gloom" :D

Managed to cobble together a white light finder,
so things are looking up... As yet, not me, but... :p
(Caught a quick glimpse of the Sun, so it works!)

Maybe an IMAGE by the end of the day - Even? ;)

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I've only recently acquired one of these myself so have not had a lot of use out of it. For imaging, particularly for close ups it has proven to be a big improvement over film type filters. I still use the film filter for full disk images but that's mostly due to focusing issues with the wedge. Only used it visually a couple of time and the jury is still out for me on that side of things.

Hope you get some Sun soon.

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Well, I did get some "preliminary data" eventually (which see)! :p
But, on current showing, I am VERY pleased with the Lunt Wedge.

I do have a certain amount of circumspection re. Mylar Film filters,
Glass ones too. Light scatter in the former, blurring in the latter?
No condemnation, but at the moment I'm just liking a WEDGE. :D

Certainly with 66mm aperture, the heating(!) is barely noticeable?
I don't have to remeber about attaching (objective) solar filters. :confused2:

As ever, thanks for the interest / support. ;)

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