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Bring me sunshine!


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Big day for me today, a big big step forward. I just bagged a bargain 2nd hand but as new frac on an EQ3 mount, as new condition. This means:

Stable focusing (mount)

Better alignment

Easier tracking due to controls that actually move quite smoothly

I can attach the Nikon to the focuser directly at last for full disc shots whereas with the newt I had fettled something together due to the lack of inward travel on the focuser, and boy it's crisp.

It was an absolute joy to image Sol today, despite variable seeing, I was setup and aligned in about 5 minutes after bringing the new toy home. Captured 300 stills at full res, 1/1000s ISO 100, aligned in Pipp, hand picked best 10% and stacked in AS!2, sharpening etc in Registax and PS to finish. Even the processing was a doddle compared to how it has been!

I am totally on cloud 9 at the moment, so much less hassle involved now (grammar alert). 

The only thing I didn't do was a close up because I've just ordered an appropriately sized filter and was using the 130mm filter hanging over the end of the OTA and as I was about to pop in the barlow the wind picked up and I didn't want to risk it falling off. I could have switched to the 900mm reflector for the CU but was eager to get the FD processed!

Crop's pretty good though! 

White light

Sol 27-08 WL.png


Sol 27-08 WL invert.png


Sol 27-08 WL colour.png

Inverted Colour

Sol 27-08 WL colour invert.png


Sol 27-08 WL crop.png

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Excellent results :-) I really like the frame/finish you put on the images too - makes them look even better

Sounds like you had a great time! It's great when it all works out isn't it? :-)

Keep the images coming, they're very good



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Nice one John.  There is nothing like getting a good scope second hand and judging by your WL shots today it looks a good set up.  I bought my WO Zenithstar 80mm second hand, paid a fair price, but it is absolutely superb for solar imaging, super smooth focuser and a joy to use, I still think it is the nicest scope I own so all in favor of bagging a bargain.


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