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Thoughts on which imaging rigs to concentrate on


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Yes, just looked at one of the registered subs and it's fine.  So the problem is in the integration stage.  Here's a screenshot of a single registered sub auto-stretched in PI.

Orion 15s g440 single sub 2016-12-05 11-54-55.png

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I've saved this as TIFF and transferred it to Photoshop - levels and curves only and saved in PNG format for upload.  Here's the result :)  Using wrong master dark - I'll grab some matching ones shortly.Orion 2.png


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Same but with "Enhance DSO and Reduce Stars" from Noel's Actions.  This shows great promise considering it's only 22 subs of 15s - just 5m 30s integration time.

Orion 2a.png

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22 was the number of subs captured and of those one failed registration leaving 21.  I'll grab more any time there a few minutes of clear night sky :D  Currently capturing 80 15s g440 -30C darks.

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I could probably reduce the gain further or even the exposure time and increase the dynamic range to help capture M42.  This is quite a bright area of sky in Ha :)  This area would be better captured with a narrower FOV though.

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I did M42 at 1s and 5s at 139 gain and 30s at 300 gain and blended the results. Even 60 x 1s images showed the full loop of M42 and the Running Man, so I could probably have got away with just the 1s and 5s exposures if I'd captured many many more of them. Lower gain will give you that better range and the shorter exposures will reduce the amp glow, making it easier to calibrate. Given the strong signal in that area, I think read noise won't be too much of an issue!

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Thanks Ken :)  OK I can go for shorter exposures as well as lower gain.  I'll take some more darks in readiness :)

Here is the current result with matching darks but the amp glow is still showing.  BPP followed by BDE then into Photoshop where I applied levels and "Enhance DSO and Reduce Stars".  I'm thinking of rotating the rig 90 degrees so that I can cover this area while cropping out the amp glow.  OTOH I'm wondering why the amp glow hasn't been calibrated out.

Orion Ha 21 15s g440 -30C_DBE ps.png

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