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Solar action - 6 Aug 16


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I've just been out with the Lunt 50 and Baader Wedge and there is some lovely action going on through both. It is nice to see more white light detail emerging after the drought we have had recently and there are to magnificent and bright proms currently at the top of the disk in Ha with lots of nice detail around the sunspot cluster in that region of the disk.

I'm off out for the morning but hopefully a good afternoon with the Quark will be waiting for me when I return :cool:


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Nice one Derek :happy6: The sky certainly is fantastic today and the sun has certainly come out to play..... Like you said there is certainly lots of action going on both the surface and around the limb but there seems to be several more prominences today compared to yesterday.

Well I guess I had best go to the shop and get some refreshments ready for a full days solar :angryfire:

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DOHC Prosecco, strawberries, steak, mushrooms, plum tomatoes, spring onions, olive and sundried tomato bread, solar observing ....... what a grand life it can be :hello:

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