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SH2-103 (Veil nebula)


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I had originally decided to attempt my second Hubble Palette image but abandoned this due to the high noise levels of my SII data.  So, changing strategy to a bi-colour approach, I mapped the Ha and OIII data to red and blue, respectively, with a synthetic green channel generated via Noel Carboni's PS actions.  I could have really done with capturing much more data but decided to see what I could process out of the noisy subframes.

 Apart from the filaments of the Veil nebula, I  was quite pleased to see what to me looked like a flaming skull (bottom left) and a small blue lightning storm (bottom centre). Constructive criticism would be welcome :happy11:

LIGHTS: Ha: 11, OIII: 6 x 1800s; DARKS: 30; BIAS:100, FLATS:40 all at -20C.


SH2 -103 Final.jpg


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1 hour ago, steppenwolf said:

This is a lovely take on a fascinating object - what telescope did you use?

Thanks Steve, the telescope used was my Skywatcher ED80 DS-Pro, with the matching 0.85x FF/FR. Used in conjunction with my SX Trius 814 camera, gives me an imaging scale of 1.46 arc seconds per pixel which seems to work well for DSO imaging.

56 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

NIce work - love looking at same object at different focal lengths - different details and structures become evident.  Nice work.


Thanks Paddy.


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