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Rubber floor tiles for observatory floor

Philip Benson

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The rubber floor tiles such as those supplied by Pulsar for their observatory floors are great.   I got mine from the local Maplins store.   However I have discovered a problem.   I am a keen solar observer/imager and yesterday I had the dome open once the early morning cloud had burned off.

Not long afterwards the floor of the dome looked like a model mountain range as the rubber tiles started absorbing the incoming heat and expanding.  I had little choice but to close up the dome and wait for it to cool down again.   Underneath the tiles the floor is bare hardwood.  I want a soft cushioning surface but equally I want to be able to use the dome regardless of the temperature.  So are there any alternatives to using rubber tiles that would not be affected by heat expansion?


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Hi Philip.

In my obsy after a few different floor types, i went for a standard rubber mat tiles from the local hardware store (the cheapest kind really...) and i have never had a problem with warping, and we have had from +37 degrees in the obsy to -18 degrees without anything moving.
I am surprised that you're tiles are warping so much after direct sun contact. Are we talking about unimaginably high temperatures in your location?

Kind regards, Graem

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Hi Philip 

I also have interlocking rubber tiles in my obsey but decided to stick them down after reports from others concerning the effect of thermal expansion. I haven't had any problems, so you might want to try this potential fix. 


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Mine "humped up" when warm so I just trimmed about a centimetre from all round the edge.  Leaves bare floorboards showing in cold weather but have to put up with that.

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As others have said a small expansion strip around the walls should work.  I use normal carpet tiles in my obsy (bought on price) and so far I have not had any problems, laid loose not glued.



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Some good ideas there so many thanks for those.   Hadn't thought of cork tiles so that is definitely another option.

BTW Graem not unimaginably hot in SE Essex.  We should be so lucky!   Predicted to be low 30s very next few days.. that is about as hot as it gets in these parts.   

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I also have the Pulsar supplied tiles in my observatory. However, North Devon appears to be safely free from extremes of temperature, we MAY hit 25 on a VERY good day and about -3 on a VERY cold day.

But - one problem I do have with the rubber floor tiles is static electricity. I get a shock everytime I touch any metalwork inside the obsy - it's all properly grounded - and I have dropped the odd eyepiece as a result. Not too bad though as the rubber tiles act as shock absorbers too. I would be ultra -careful about touching any electronics though. As a positive, I guess that the static build-up shows that the dehumidifier is keeping everything nice and dry.

Regards, Hugh

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