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July 1st - H Alpha - 14th in a row!


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Out from 6 am to 9.12 am,  swift moving cloud and heavy rain showers.  There were about eight prominences, but all of them very faint  and rather small - most not visible at all through the viewfinder.  Single frame with Lunt 60 DS and Olympus E-M10, 9.12 am, 1/60 sec at 500 asa.

This was also my 14th successive day I have managed to obtain some sort of image.  I'm pretty sure it's not my personal record but I'm very pleased considering how awful the weather has been for most of June. ( A totat of 26 imaging days for the month including two when I only took white light images because of the conditions)   Many of my sessions have been early in the morning and of rather a short duration - the shortest being 3 minutes I think!



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12 hours ago, laudropb said:

Another lovely image Paul. When I checked I was surprised to see I managed 24 sessions in June.

Many thanks.  Gosh, 24 sessions is good for somewhere even further north than I am!  :icon_biggrin:

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20 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Nice capture once more. Solid grey cloud here, alas. Fourteen days in a row is a very good achievement, especially with the current weather. Maybe you could make some kind of animation

Many thanks Michael.  The animation is a good idea, but I haven't the skill or knowledge to do it.  Also with the varying conditions I took my pictures in they are quite variable, and I suspect that this would mean even if I could the result might not be very good.  Many thanks for the suggestion anyway.  :icon_biggrin:

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