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Finally Found the Planets!

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Hello SGL,


As a follow up to my previous thread, I did indeed find the objects I was looking for :)

Here's Mars :



And Here's Saturn :



Of course these Images were edited,Mostly zoomed in. 



It was very exciting for me to see them for the first time, and now I know how planets look compared to stars in my eyepiece, that is why I failed the last times....

I almost felt like a child getting a birthday present, it's wonderful :D 

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I remember the first time I saw the planets, every time i look at them now I get that warm feeling like it is the first time all over again it just never gets boring no matter how many times you see them especially when you see more detail or manage to take better images etc, your Mars picture isnt bad at all (better than any I have managed to get so far)

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I remember too the first time I saw Saturn and Jupiter. I was awed with Jupiter because I could see the moons, some colour and a bit of detail. It's fun and very rewarding hunting down double stars, clusters, galaxies and nebulas. As time passes by and you get more experienced you ought to try those too!

Cheers from Greece


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We also must be thankful for the technology that has advanced our knowledge and understanding of the Solar family which we are 
a part of. The highly detailed imagery that  has transported us to the giant outer Worlds, to tiny Pluto so vast in distance from us, but
revealed as an exciting and mysterious little planet (Sorry, I refuse to regard Pluto as  a TNO. )
Saturn's magnificent ring system in close up, and it's moons waltzing in and around them. Cassini has been a monumental success story, and don't forget the Huygens probe, and the landing on Titan.
We're privileged to have witnessed all this. What next we might wonder? To be sure, there will be something to follow, and the anticipation excites me no end.
We are all whirling around the Sun on our space ship earth, which is a platform from which we can gaze out into the Universe In all direction, we are thankful for that also.
Whilst science and Technology has given us images and data from deep into the Solar System and beyond   (The Voyager Spacecraft are likely way beyond the Heliosphere  now.),
It is  refreshing to realise that for all the wonders revealed to us by space probes, we are still enthralled by what our own earthbound instruments can show us.
This has continued for hundreds of years, and will continue to be so.
I try to Imagine Galileo's feeling when he realised those  four tiny points of light close to Jupiter, were actually moons orbiting that giant.
We are aware that the discoveries are still there to be made with amateur equipment,  New Comets, Supernova, galactic and intergalactic, Transient Lunar Phenomena. and who know what else.
But remember guys, a UFO is exactly that, and very unlikely an alien spacecraft :D.


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Hello and well done ,I am happy you are now in the planet club?. It is a great feeling finding an item in our universe that seems elusive at first. I remember when I first found Saturn, wooow ?it was just so beautiful and distinctive that I knew I had at last found my first planet. And even years latter I still get that wooow ? factor every time I see it. By the way Jupiter is good also ☺

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