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A dust storm on Mars


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A Gif from 5 movies made in the night from 13 to 14 June current.
My intention was not to make a GIF, so the quality was somewhat impaired.
Everyone knows that when we want to make a GIF, you do not change the capture parameters, processing should be as uniform as possible because occurs variability from one frame to another, and seeing that is hardly stable in all catches.
However as several colleagues were asking for an animation to see if the dust storm discovered by me was evident, I decided to do it even in inappropriate conditions.
These 5 movies that cover the hours of 23:52 TU on 13 June up to 00:06 on 14 June.
In them, seeing varied greatly and the amount of captured frames, although the stacked amount was always the same, 4775 frames.
The equipment used was a Celestron C14 Edge with the ASI 224 camera, a Tele Vue Powermate 2X and an Astronomik L filter.
I believe that even with everything against, the result obtained shows that there is a storm  no doubt, as my friend Rafael Compassi says; "Patience is what the situation offers"
Avani Soares

PS: this link can be seen in higher resolution: http://gifmaker.me/PlayVideoAnimation.php?folder=2016061514jTeACZkD9SodcTFHuRL942&file=output_8PkYhs.mp4



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I think it is wonderful that you can capture a dust storm, Avani.  That C14 certainly has great resolution. Many thanks for sharing this. I will be visiting Natal, Brazil soon and hope to capture some images of the Milky Way which I can't get here due to light pollution.


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Hello Neil Philips!
Yes, it has been confirmed by Damian Peach, and also by NASA through Hubble, be a dust storm that has been occurring for more than one month but had not reached such a high altitude.
His images are magnificent, even more than that year (2012) there were no cameras with sensitivity that exists today.
Due to the bluish color in your photo also believe in his case have been clouds.
Grateful for the comment!

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4 hours ago, astroavani said:

Hello Neil Philips!
Yes, it has been confirmed by Damian Peach, and also by NASA through Hubble, be a dust storm that has been occurring for more than one month but had not reached such a high altitude.
His images are magnificent, even more than that year (2012) there were no cameras with sensitivity that exists today.
Due to the bluish color in your photo also believe in his case have been clouds.
Grateful for the comment!

In that case congratulations Avani  well done

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