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My EQ6 died last night.


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Beautiful skies last night so I set about imaging NGC7635.

I was set up and running in about 20 Min's ,perfect guiding so I started a run of 7 minute subs in Ha.

All looking good until the 4th sub ( see subs below) when the guide star disappeared!!! :shock: :shock:

No cloud so I stopped guiding and realised the mount had stopped tracking,the power light on the mount was on and the polar scope LED was working but the motors had just stopped, they will not respond to comands from the hand controller and maxim will not connect to the mount. It is as if as far as the computer is concerned the mount is switched off.

so it's looking like something has hapend to the controle board. :)

My EQ6 is not a pro mount, it is a standard EQ6 with the Conrad/ Rajiva mod.

I will get my Brother to have a look at it, and hopefuly he can fix it.

Just in case it is dead, time to put the feelers out.

There must be quite a few standard EQ6 controlboards out there with people upgrading to the pro model. So if you have one please let me know if you are willing to part with it and how much you want for it, I may still be able to fix mine but just want to start the ball rolling on the hunt just in case.




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That really is bad news, Mike, I hope it is something simple like a loose connection to the mount board. The first thing I do when something like this happens is disconnect all the cables one by one and re-connect them again then do it all again. The board's controller chip is not soldered in, it plugs into a DIL socket so I would also gently lift one end with a small flat bladed screwdriver and then lift the other end and finally gently push it back into the DILL socket - this 'cleans' the contacts on all the plugs and sockets and amazingly has an over 50% success rate on my car, camera, old PCs etc!

Good luck.

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Hope you soon get it sorted , Mike.

Should be some second hand boards about. My new EQ6 only lasted one day before it had to be returned. My electric filter wheel has stopped working - a small plastic cog that's on the motor spindle is loose and no longer turns the wheel. I am waiting for the third thing to break.


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My brother and i took the MUC mod out and put the original chip back in last night and the motors worked, so I won't need a new controlboard at least.

I have been in touch with Rajiva (who dose the mod ) and he said to send it back to him but I can't pin him down on how much it is going to cost me,till he sees it. Which has me worried cause onece he has it I am kinda stuck with paying what ever he decides.

There is also an option to get a second hand one from AndrewG on UKAI.

I have asked Rajiva to give me a worst case scenario on the cost and then see if Andrew can do me the mod board for enough less to make it worth me going for the 2nd hand unit.

Awaiting to here from Rajiva.


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Just got this from Rajiva

as Dr.MCU worked i do not think about a "worst case scenario" slywink.gif

Just send it to me and i think the most expensive will be shipping cost.

Dr MCU was a bit of software he asked me to run to reset the chip

1. Download the file.

2. Turn the power of the controller off.

3. Connect pin 9 with pin 10 at the 15 pin. connector and connect your serial cable to the PC.

4. Start the programm, DO NOT click the start button

5. Turn your controller on

6. Click on start and follow the progress

7. When done, turn the controller off and close the application

8. disconnect Pin9 from pin10

9. Turn your controller back on and configurate it with one of the configuration programms

10. Send me the newly created MCU.dump file by email icon_twisted.gif


So I will send it today and hope for the best.


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Well I am happy to report It looks like I am up and running again.

My Rajiva kit is still in germany being looked at but in the meantime Andrew G from UKAI has given me his Rajiva kit :):lol: (as he upgraded to skyscan pro a while back).

Daytime test show goto and guiding are back on line. :lol: :lol: :lol::)


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Great to hear you are back in business Mike. There would have been a large gap in the imaging section otherwise.

I am just curious as to how you can simulate guiding in daylight. I know the answer will probably be glaringly obvious, but Sad to say, not to me. :)

Ron. :lol:

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I can't, but the if the mount will except goto comands from the PC it will except guiding comands. :)

As it was the mount wouldn't even track, the motors were getting nothing from the circut board at all.


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