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Skywatcher heritage 130 is amazing

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Thank you First Light Optics for getting my scope to me so soon. Last night looked at Mars and Saturn using a 2X Barlow (celestron) and got beautiful views. Mars and Saturn with the 10mm and 2X Barlow were very clear. Could see detail on both planets and the position of Saturn made it tilt look lovely.  Can't recommend this scope enough. Will be using it more than my 10inch Dob as a pick up and go scope.

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Yes £132 is a bargain. Question: I have heavy lenses for my other telescopes, what can you recommend for the skywatcher heritage 130? My heavy lenses would throw it out of collimation. The two that come with it are ok but would like some  other suggestions please.

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My Heritage handles the Hyperion zoom + barlow well ( ~400 gr maybe). It handles the weight and holds collimation well.

Are you sure the eyepeices you already got wont work?



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The heritage 130p is a great scope but as you mention it doesn't cope well with heavy eyepieces. I found the BST/starguiders to be the best compromise between FoV and weight. I have an ES68 24mm which is just a bit to heavy as itbends the focuser ever so slightly.

The shortish FL means you can still get a large FoV with lightweight 1.25" 50-60 degree EPs

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love my Heritage 130P. I dont use it as often as i should. Its very portable and gives great views. Might start using it over the summer for short sessions when it gets dark. It will be a nice hassle free way of introducing myself to summer observing which i have never done before.

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  • 1 month later...

Another Heritage fan and can certainly recommend the Skywatched BST lenses as well. I've had great views of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the great cluster in Hercules. Can't wait for the nights to come a little darker so I can get some better views.

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