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Timelapse of Jupiter, GRS, Io transit, and Europa


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Hi everyone. I recently acquired a ZWO ASI120MC-S and so with the bright summer skies I've turned towards solar and planetary lately. I'm not great at either, but I'm learning 

This is the result of my efforts from last night and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out given it was ~3-4 hours of sitting in the relative cold of my front garden. I've never managed to time weather & my availability with the GRS or a Jovian moon transit before so that's two firsts for me. The seeing was "soupy" to put it lightly, especially towards the end when the planet got lower in the sky and ended up over the roof of a house across the road, but I can't complain - at least it was clear!

I took a video around every 5 minutes for almost 2 hours, stacked the best frames, then compiled into an animation of 19 frames that loops back & forth. Io started off about 1/3 of the way across the face of the planet when I started recording data so it's a bit tough to see but you can follow it back across once it pops out the other side.

Thanks for looking! I hope the attachment works correctly because I couldn't seem to get the gif size down below ~14mb, so I apologise to anyone on a slow connection!

Imgur link for the animation: http://imgur.com/HN2HuGn

Skywatcher Skyliner 200P 8" newt with Skywatcher 3x 3-element barlow (3600 mm, f/18)
Skywatcher NEQ6-Pro Synscan (unguided)
ZWO ASI120MC-S camera

Acquisition & Processing:
- 19 individual images spaced approximately every 5 minutes from 21:55 to 23:45 BST
- Firecapture [gain = 55-65, exposure = 20-25 ms, 960x960 1x1 bin]
- 4500-5000 frames per image @ 45-50 FPS
- Best 500 frames stacked per image in Autostakkert!2
- Wavelets and colour balance in Registax 6
- GIF created in Photoshop CC


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