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New Neq6 bit miffed


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So after receiving my new mount at the beginning of March I finally managed to have a play around with it today,the only thing I had done was to put it in a new plastic case due to falling off my bike the day I ordered it(broke wrist typical).Managed to set up ok on mount connect everything up,switch on and then tried to see if I remembered how to use it after reading the manual? a couple of times.

Within minutes of getting used to the positioning of the clutches,set screws etc I noticed how much play there was in the ra,you could move it with your hand and here clunk each time you twist it oh no methinks work to do already and it's brand new.So undeterred I set about carefully adjusting it to take out the slack.The problem I did have is loosening the retaining ring for the end float retaining ring for the worm so may have to make a tool for that it,s too tight for long nose pliers and don,t want to damage anything.After a couple of hours of persistence I settled on a happy medium no binding and a nice purring noise when it slews result.

I was also pleased that the polar scope did not need alighning.What does annoy me though these mounts ain't far short of a grand and I would of expected better,sorry Olly I wouldn't pay an extra £100 for them to work out the box they should just work full stop when you think how much they cost to make,so after my rant am I happy yes.I also only detect the "coffee grinder" more on the Dec so happy with that aswell.If Synta used a proper degreaser and proper QC everyone would be happy.

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I was thinking about getting a NEQ6 for my "proper" mount but you have just put me off.

I totally agree that for the best part of a grand they should work straight out the box, I don't want to have to get special tools to take out the slop.

Are you just unlucky or is this what I should expect, any one else had similar experiences.  If so whats the alternative ?



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This is probably going to be my last mount and with due care and attention should last me for along time maybe I'm being picky but being an ex toolmaker I am probably too fussyOcd?.They have a great following on here so don't be put off Olly has two of them and that's somthing.Mine it's purring now so don't be put off it's some have the odd niggle or two but generally can be sorted out without too much worry.For the money you can,t beat them and I'm now happy with mine and don't forget there are so many people on here that have one so advice is always nearby.The new az/eq have also had there niggles and they cost even more.

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I get that £1000 if a fair slab of wonga but at the end of the day, like it or not, it's still a budget mount. there are these mounts that are perfect straight out of the box and require no (or at least minimal) fettling but you could buy 4 or 5 at best, (10 or 15 is easily possible if you want the bees knees) for them 
Whilst its probably the best mount I'll own barring a wind fall some sort, I accept that there are ways to get the best out of it.It does do everything thats required of it (By me anyway).
These mounts (sw) are built (in my view) the same way as high street computers are made. People are prepared to pay "X" for a mount so they build the best mount they can for that amount.

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its not uncommon for these to come with a bit of play or a stif RA or DEC. unfortunately its massed produced to make profit.  i had a similar issue when i bought mine new. i used this guide to strip  mine down and put it back together http://www.astro-baby.com/EQ6%20rebuild%20guide/EQ6%20Strip%20Down%20Home.htm for an ex tool maker it should be a doddle.  it  will take a bit of fiddling  but once done the NEQ6's really do sing. i manged 30 mins subs with mine once. dont be put off but most of skywatchers stuff need modding to make it work to an "acceptable" level 

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I do agree with everything that's said finally I could afford one the main thing I suppose is to check for silly things like abit of overspray on mating surfaces etc and check for backlash on both axis other than that you can,t beat them for the price.Look how many people on here own one.They have made a mount that is affordable I'm sorry if my moan has put anyone off but as I said I think I will be happy with mine.

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1 hour ago, triton1 said:

So after receiving my new mount at the beginning of March I finally managed to have a play around with it today,the only thing I had done was to put it in a new plastic case due to falling off my bike the day I ordered it(broke wrist typical).Managed to set up ok on mount connect everything up,switch on and then tried to see if I remembered how to use it after reading the manual? a couple of times.

Within minutes of getting used to the positioning of the clutches,set screws etc I noticed how much play there was in the ra,you could move it with your hand and here clunk each time you twist it oh no methinks work to do already and it's brand new.So undeterred I set about carefully adjusting it to take out the slack.The problem I did have is loosening the retaining ring for the end float retaining ring for the worm so may have to make a tool for that it,s too tight for long nose pliers and don,t want to damage anything.After a couple of hours of persistence I settled on a happy medium no binding and a nice purring noise when it slews result.

I was also pleased that the polar scope did not need alighning.What does annoy me though these mounts ain't far short of a grand and I would of expected better,sorry Olly I wouldn't pay an extra £100 for them to work out the box they should just work full stop when you think how much they cost to make,so after my rant am I happy yes.I also only detect the "coffee grinder" more on the Dec so happy with that aswell.If Synta used a proper degreaser and proper QC everyone would be happy.

I never said a word! But I recall a thread to which you're probably referring.

Bear in mind that the EQ6 is, very obviously, a copy of the Takahashi EM200. (Hey, look at those counterweights...)


The Tak EM200 costs (some readers may find this disturbing and might perefer not to look) £4,300 without tripod. Or handset. I can imagine Jeremy Clarckson performing this bit of script. So maybe that puts the £1000 into context.

Should the EQ6 work straight from the box? Of course it should. Everything you buy should work straight from the box and the law agrees with this. What happens in the real world, though, is that manufacturers in some cases cut it too fine and say they can supply thousands of products that will nearly always work from the box when they simply can't. To reach that standard they'd have to charge more. But we don't want them to charge more, so they don't and we have to fiddle with things we've bought.

What I think is that SW should send out the EQ6 better fettled, to meet the quality expected more frequently, and charge what it costs to do that. You can't have it both ways. The EQ6 is an excellent mount but could be a whole lot better with only a small price increase. Both mine have been fine from the box, let me say.


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All I will say is that threads that focus on opening up a NEW mount (not this one I hasten to add) don't do any of us any favours.  If it's new it should work. Now having had 3 SW mounts I accept, as others do, that the RA and Dec axes need a bit of fine tuning and I will happily do that as it is not difficult or invasive.  But having had one that clearly had a worm drive issue I asked for it to be sorted by the retailer.  It duly was and I received a replacement product that worked.  The more times we do this the more chance we have of getting the manufacturer to do something about it at their end.

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Just for the record I just acquired a new AZ EQ6 GT and it, err, worked straight out of the box. That said, all new things should but Google "Friday Car" and you'll find broken new stuff isn't new to astronomical mounts. If it's new and it doesn't work get it replaced. Unless you're a tinkerer and like a challenge.

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There is working and there is "working". There are no standards as far as I'm aware at how much backlash a new mount should have for example, but maybe variables like this should be advertised so people can make even more informed choices before buying, and give them clearer guidance on what is and isn't acceptable. But then there is currently no driver for this, as people globally continue to buy these mounts in mass numbers and I suspect very few ever get sent all the way back to the factory.


P.s. My new azeq6 had lots of backlash when it came outif the box.

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