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Night Sky Tools - Astronomy for Android --- Now with free spyware!


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I usually don't update my Android phone apps, only when I deem fit. If it ain't broke don't fix it etc. To be honest I hardly ever used this application, it just sat there quietly and if I did need to use it, I could.

However the latest update to this Android app has bundled in a totally unrelated "feature". Since when does an astronomy application need to provide "Caller ID" information, or more correctly gather Caller ID information? I uninstalled the app immediately and there are lots of other users who did the same. The author's claim that nothing is done with this information does not fill me with confidence. The gathered data appears to be handled by CIAmedia GmbH...for which there is little information.

It is a pity that the author sold out. Turning on ads (which I hate) or charging a small fee for an ad-free version would have been acceptable but not this.

Why is it that 1000's of PC applications (PHD2, DSS, Stellarium, Gimp etc. etc in just the astronomy field), the entire Linux ecosystem shows off what people can do without selling their souls to the advertising demons. Just about every Android app has adverts, spyware or other rubbish attached to it like a huge rusty anchor. A simple torch application is crammed with loads of rubbish.

Google used to deliver adverts via "Allow Internet Access" option but for a couple of years now it is a standard part of the Android ad delivery system, something that really irritated me. So now it is almost impossible to get ad-free applications, let alone find them. "This Application Requires No Permissions" can still do things that you don't want it to do. There are some truly ad-free applications but they are very hard to find...just when you think you are free, and at the most inopportune time, they catch you out.

So regarding "Night Sky Tools - Astronomy" - not for me thank you, I am out.

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I don't hold or do anything sensitive on my mobile devices for this reason and games don't trust them at all.

An advantage of rooting is add blocking but sadly after rebuilding my tablet I can't fastboot to it so it (desktop changed somehow) stays standard.

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I am the original developer of Night  Sky Tools. I sold the app last month, so I have no more control over what the new owner puts into the app.

The reasons I sold the app are as follows:

- as a single developer working on this app in my free time as a hobby project,  I simply do not have the time to keep maintaining it.

- secondly, the app makes absolutely zero money which makes justifying spending time on it hard  when other things demand my time. The app has always been free and ad-free (except a short experiment with ads which I stopped when users complained). Many users suggested a paid version too but Google Play requires a registered business  in order to receive payments. That is a lot of hassle for maybe little reward. 

- lastly, I have received lots of positive feedback over the last 3 years, and always welcomed suggestions and bug reports,  however, I also received a significant number of negative feedback. Things like giving a 1 star review with only the statement 'This app sucks' for example. For me, giving away the app totally free this sense of entitlement got to me and drained a lot of the joy I got from working on the app. I would understand it if it was a paid app but a free app does not deserve that.

So, in short, I sold because I don't have the time or motinvasion to keep maintaining it.

Thank you to all the users who have been wonderful over the last 3 years though.

Serge Meunier

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Yes, thank you for providing the app Serge. The choice to sell it has been made but hopefully you put your good skills to use in providing other decent applications, this time with some rewards to warrant the time investment.

Though I hope you got paid handsomely for it, because if it was my application with the user base it had, I would have just stopped maintaining it and let it die gracefully.

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Selling the app didn't make me rich, but it was just enough for me to buy a decent telescope setup which I have been wanting for years (a Sky-Watcher 200 PDS Explorer on a HEQ-5 mount with a bunch of accssories). Most of the money that the taxman doesn't want has now gone that equipment ;).

That in itself made selling the app for the amount i got made it worth it, although it is unfortunate what has happened since. 


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On 19.3.2016 at 18:27, StuartJPP said:

 "This Application Requires No Permissions" can still do things that you don't want it to do.

This is scary. I have now become quite careful in not installing things that need permissions that I can't understand what they are for. I have eve paid for a few apps to get them free of adds. But it is scary to know that they still contain rubbish, even if you don't give away permissions.

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Thanks Serge. It was a great app - used it a lot and still have the old (i.e.  not updated version) on my tablet. Presumably that means I should also have the .apk, so may well try installing that version on my phone, as I'd like to keep using it.

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