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Green and Black Slippery Slope


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On a slightly morbid point, it's good to have a buddy or make a list of the value of your kit in the event that you shuffle off this mortal coil before your other half. That way they will get a decent value for your kit.

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21 minutes ago, Moonshane said:

On a slightly morbid point, it's good to have a buddy or make a list of the value of your kit in the event that you shuffle off this mortal coil before your other half. That way they will get a decent value for your kit.

real ray of sunshine ain't cha shane :grin:

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25 minutes ago, Moonshane said:

On a slightly morbid point, it's good to have a buddy or make a list of the value of your kit in the event that you shuffle off this mortal coil before your other half. That way they will get a decent value for your kit.

My mum-in-law has just gone into a nursing home - if I sold all my kit it would cover the costs of just 10 days nursing care :undecided:


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28 minutes ago, Moonshane said:

On a slightly morbid point, it's good to have a buddy or make a list of the value of your kit in the event that you shuffle off this mortal coil before your other half. That way they will get a decent value for your kit.

I have a recently divorced aquaitence who had a weakness for subtle, but expensive, watches.

Boy! Did he regret making that list!

FYI - His ex wife was left very well catered for on the money front even without the watch money.


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The 24mm is my most used eyepiece. It's the only one I use every stargazing session without fail. Light, max TFOV for a 1.25" EP, crisp to the margins. The only issue might be eye relief (15mm) if you wear glasses. Otherwise, it's perfect. 

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3 hours ago, Paul73 said:

Forgot to say. Enjoy the slippery slope! 

I've run out of space in my eyepiece case so am now immune from all Green temptation.


I just bought a bigger case. Not all green-and-black, however. There are three Pentax XWs, a Vixen LVW 42, and a MaxVision 24mm 68° in there as well. 


And some dangerous empty space. :D

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If someone had started wondering what would be a good choice for a TV EP between 24mm and 8mm. Would there be any recommendations?

For say a 10 inch dob (1200mm fl, F4.7).

Oh dear. Here we go again.


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The Vixen SLV 12mm is right up there with TV in terms of optical performance and comfort IMHO. It just lacks the FoV.

I might suggest the 13mm Ethos for Andy but they are another slippery slope within the slippery slope we are already discussing :rolleyes2:



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Maybe one day an Ethos might be possible.

I'm wondering if the 17.3 gives me a big enough increase in magnification from the 24mm at 19x.

The 15mm would give me a 30x increase and the 14mm 36x.


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On 12 March 2016 at 21:34, Andyb90 said:

Maybe one day an Ethos might be possible.

I'm wondering if the 17.3 gives me a big enough increase in magnification from the 24mm at 19x.

The 15mm would give me a 30x increase and the 14mm 36x.


Yes. It gives a good gap. I had the ES82° 24mm and the Delos 17.3mm as the next step down.

Worked a treat. 


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Jove's photo reminds me of the wall of Marshall amps at a rock concert !

Interesting how the Nagler zoom box is different from the others - points to a different manufacturer I reckon. Vixen, I've always thought ?

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