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My QHY5 is going in the bin


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Good luck Dave, I had a hell of a time last night, got everything working nicely the other night, nice flat PHD graph, all my blue spots in the target when it clouded over.
Last night I uncovered the scope having altered nothing and the graph was going up and down in both axis off the scale, wasted two hours balancing, checking cables etc then gave up.

Had problems previously using Win10 and various guide cameras so bought another Loadstar which works fine.

Also considering upgrading to some sort of reliable portable mount, possibly Mesu or 10Micron, a few threads on here on the subject.


The most trouble free thing I have ATM is the SW Star Adventurer it's up and running in a couple of minutes and never misses a beat :)

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Well I've been having "fun and games" with it this morning. I *think* the problem may have been not powering the hub, but when I tried running the cam into the same spare port I used last night I got errors again, which didn't go away when plugged back into the Trius until I unplugged and replugged the little USB adaptor cable.

Dunno. Computers, argh!

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I must admit that I bought a QHY5 and was singly unimpressed.  I though the image quality was pants and the software drivers were buggy.  In the end I flogged it and bit the bullet and bought an ex-demo SX Lodestar.  The image quality is way better and it works -  first time, every time.

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Just as an aside, I did have problems with my QHY5L-II-M on my new netbook, however it was some silly Windows setting that reduced the USB speed when the screen saver kicked in, a setting buried deep in the power options. Once that was sorted everything has run fine since.

I also run the CPU clock speed at the lowest it will go, 800Mhz if I recall, and it copes just fine running APT, Stellarium and PHD2. I'm not a fan of Intel SpeedStep so that effectively disables it and I can run the netbook all night long on its own battery without requiring additional power.

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So, OK not in the bin, though I darn near trashed it with a club hammer!

Instead I'll get one of the SX guide cameras when my credit cards have recovered from the recent hammerings they've taken, and the QHY will go to a member who PM'd me very soon after my first post.

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It is a mystery to me why OEM's still use those rubbish mini usb connectors on cameras that cost an arm & a leg. I'm glad my Atik 11000 has a "real" USB connector & not some fluff that will break if you breath in the wrong direction.

The other issue with USB is that it is not a standard in the real world- only on paper. The OEM's again interrupt the design to their own ends producing product that is often flaky to say the least. Even a powered hub may not deliver the required full power through all the ports on a specific hub. This can often be seen by looking at the current rating on the supplied PSU- how can a 1.5 AMP PSU deliver 500MA per port on an 8 port HUB?

The best Hubs I've been told are the Icron rangers but they cost over £200.00 for a four port device but the added bonus is that, what I've been told-can't verify as I don't own one, that they never drop a connection because of design issues.

If you get a device with a mini USB connector you would be wise to use an extension connector & wear out that instead of the device port!

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