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My QHY5 is going in the bin


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What to replace it with?

I've had it up to here with that goddamned piece of junk. Bong, bong, bong. Off and on connections, USB device not recognised, PHD2 saying it's timed out. 

It's hard enough finding long enough gaps in the cloud without unreliable hardware adding to the problem and eating what little time there is playing park-the-scope and restart-the-computer.

Yeah, I know, I was cheapskate, looking to guide on the cheap picked it up on offer at astrofest in '13, doesn't work. Buy cheap, buy twice.


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Been looking on the FLO site at SX guide cameras, but I'm seriously tempted to bring forward my plan to go unguided with an encoder-based mount, been looking at ASA options.

Dunno, I'll give it some thought as I don't want to do anything hasty.

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Can I have it before you throw it in the bin (or even just the CS adapter will do)? You are not the only one with problems judging from this guy...:)

I have got both a QHY5L-II-M and a QHY5L-II-C and so far I have not had any problems...even with my own foray into working with the SDK. I do use a fairly short USB cable that is fairly thickish, not a super thin one that is 5 meters long...

Why not run it indoors for extended periods during cloudy nights to see if you can isolate the problem...worth a try. I'd try different USB cables, shortest first and also direct into the PC...we have plenty of rubbish nights to try and get to the bottom...even if you discover it is actually faulty.

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1 minute ago, DaveS said:

ATM I have it connected through the Trius USB hub, I may try running it directly into the laptop through a "spare" USB port.

I have me cam and filler wheel running thouth the trius hub but have all cables tie down , I do find the little usb plugs not that good have you cable tie all the little leads to the camera that helps.

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may not be any help but my 694 camera is the same as your I only just got my one back from Starlight expess and I did ask them to look at  the hub at the same time as it keep droping the usb

and it not drop any now and all plugs are a nice fit so it may be the hub playing up.

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All my laptop USB ports are USB3 so I don't have any option. BTW it's dropped again so I think I will try a lead direct into the LT. If that doesn't work then I'll start looking for another guide cam, I'm thinking the SX Superstar for my short FL guide 'scope.

Don't want to spend £12.5k on a mount just yet.


Edit: I've tried connecting direct to the LT, and it looks to be working. Also my SX filter wheel has come back online so there may have been some interference going on.

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Its a hard one when it come down to spend money my cam work just find but it down to LP at the end of the day my one may not work that wiell in west London , and you se lot on here useing your cam as a sky cam so it can not be that bad , is it down to your setting in PHD before you use it as a sky cam better then the bin.

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The GPCAM mono and QHY5L-II mono both use the same sensor and offer similar sensitivity. I have both - and also the colour versions of both, and an Older QHY5L-II with the 1/2" mono sensor, and not forgetting the original QH5 like you have, and also a Lodestar. So I'm in a good position to compare performance ;-)  The first suspect if it's acting up is the USB cable, after that the hub. The camera itself either works or it doesn't - it is the connection that plays up. I've never had trouble finding suitable guidestars with any of the mono cameras when used with a 70mm Pronto, the colour cameras on the other hand have been marginal, requiring either longer exposure or a brighter star to guide on. My new mount doesn't require guiding so I won't be conducting any more experiments...


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Well it looks like it was a hub / USB problem as things look to have settled down. I don't know why it should have started playing up after working for a year or so without trouble, though suspect a Windross update may have scuppered things.

So it may have earned a reprieve, though I still intend to go unguided eventually.

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52 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Well it looks like it was a hub / USB problem as things look to have settled down. I don't know why it should have started playing up after working for a year or so without trouble, though suspect a Windross update may have scuppered things.

So it may have earned a reprieve, though I still intend to go unguided eventually.

Sounds like someone is looking for an excuse to go unguided :)


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Something I hadn't realised at the time, I hadn't powered the Trius, D'oh! Mind you AA5 was still showing -25 deg. I may have another trial with the Trius powered.

Still thinking about a DDM 85 Standard. Question is, do I want to stump up £12.5K? Dunno.

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25 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Something I hadn't realised at the time, I hadn't powered the Trius, D'oh! Mind you AA5 was still showing -25 deg. I may have another trial with the Trius powered.

Still thinking about a DDM 85 Standard. Question is, do I want to stump up £12.5K? Dunno.

Putting power to the hub and fan do help , well would I pay 12.5 k for a mount No the best time I can get round here is 30 mins with no Moon about and my £130.00 cam can do that time on the Heq5  ok .I done in 8k last year and do I see see it as money well spent no I live in a city in the UK.

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Well, a DDM 85 would be my "lifetime" mount. I still hope to retire to Dorset and find somewhere a bit darker. Do I buy now? Or wait? Again, dunno.

It's fine and dry here ATM so may work on the mount and cam while it's still fine

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