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Saturn - 4/6/08 - 10.45 - First Image With C9.25


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I just put the mount and tripod on the patio. No polar alignment , collimation just as it came out of the box.

Poor conditions , hazy , low in the west etc

About 500 frames , F20 ( 2X barlow) , DMK camera , straight through Registax

When get it into the obs I will align /collimate etc.

But not too bad for a first go with a new scope/mount.



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Blimey John, you don't hang about. Looks pretty good to me.


Well , the scopes been in the garage a while and I got fed up of waiting for the obs. 500 frames at 27 per sec don't take long :D

I think the collimation only needs a small tweak.


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great first light John , and thats good Saturn , its not in a good position now either , nice smooth process John.


I will try and have a go at the Moon this weekend. I dare not touch the collimation in case I make it worse :D I never realised how long it takes to setup if you have to move everything outside to observe/image. The EQ6 is heavy man !!!


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had a word with Steve Collingwood from telescope house yesterday, i was asking how do u know if you have good collimation, as i said mine looks fine as far as i know , he said if it looks good then leave well alone , so yes in your case , i would wait and see what further results show John , you could have a cracker there

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Hi Rog,

I think you are probably right. The seeing is not good so little point trying further "tweaking". Not even looked at a star through in yet. I think I shall apply the well known saying "if its not bust don't fiddle with it"


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