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PLEASE tell me this isn't fatal !!!

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I've tried firing up the HEQ5 pro tonight in possible readiness for Jupiter and clear skies t'row morning, BUT all I'm getting when I try to initialise the scope is,

"NO LINK TO MC.................STAND ALONE MODE"

Now I've tried swapping cables, original curly cable and a couple of straight thru RJ45 data cables (which what I'd normally use) BUT no change. Any ideas anyone or has something fried ??



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How are you powering the mount? Battery or mains? Could there be a problem there?

Have you done anything to it since you last used it?


Powered by mains, H/C voltage says tween 11.7 and 13.4V

Is the hand controller at room temperature or has it by chance been left somewhere hot?

H/c says temp is about 23*C :D

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well I've rested it for a while but no change. Can't tell if the H/C is dickie or the electronics in the mount. I'm guessing the mount since in the stand alone mode all functions with the H/C seem normal.

Any ideas about a replacement board for the mount or am I looking at having to buy a total upgrade kit just for that one bit ?


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I may be way off base, in which case just disregard please.

I get the "No link" error when the hand control is set to "RS-232 Mode" and there is no link established to the laptop which controls the scope via a program such as "The Sky" etc.


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If everything worked fine last time you used the mount and you have done nothing different since eg updating the firmware, experimenting with EQMOD, then you could be right and something is broken. KK's offer should let you test your theory. However, it does seem a bit unlikely, so I agree with KK, try Pizwiz's suggestion.


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Just in case there is anyone interested,(and I don't blame you if you're not) I want to add that KK was very helpful and allowed me to try out my Hand controller on his mount and I'm pleased to say it was fine. PHEW !! so the problem lays with the MCU and/or panel circuitry or component. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what had happened, suddenly occurred to me to check the data cable. Up until last night I thought I had accidentally used a X-over cable instead of a straight thru ! Whilst at Maplins I invested a small amount of cash on a pocket sized LAN tester. the result is that it wasn't a X-over at all BUT a dodgy connection inside one of the RJ45 modules. Can't take it up with the supplier 'cos I've since chopped it off and replaced both modules(tested A OKAY for straight thru).

A very kind chap on the UKAI site has seen my plea for help, and being both an astronomer and an electronics engineer, offered to take a look at all the circuitry and components and repair if possible. He also suggested that given the source of the problem, there shouldn't be any major risk of any of the main chips etc from being irreversibly damaged. So, THANKS KK !! Especially for the use of your mount, the chat and the offer of the bits( will pm and arrange for pick up soon). Fingers X'ed this whole sorry state will be sorted out in the near future.

I don't feel quite as sick as I did.


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[pre]the latest news is not too good !!!

Dave Gill ( Kelly's Eye) from the UKAI site very kindly offered to take a look at all the bits re electronics, this evening he sent me this mail.........

"I've checked the unit(s) as far as is possible and found the following:

1. You confirm the handset to be working (as tested against another control board) therefore no additional tests have been made of this unit.

2. I have tested the physical communication link from the handset to the control board and can find no fault with the signal path.

3. I have tested the stepper driver circuitry and found no fault.

4. I have tested the onboard power supplies (5V and 30V) and have found no fault.

The only possible conclusion is that the control board processors (PIC devices, specially programmed) are defective in some way. There is no way to make any 'complicated' checks on these devices (you can only test for inputs i.e. power and outputs i.e. motor drive signals) and these appear to be ok as far as I can test.

The PIC devices are type PIC16F73 - the 'F' part indicates they are flash programmable but you need the (faulty) communication link to make this work. A catch-22 situation not made any better by the fact that I know of no source for the required code to re-flash the devices anyway..... I know the handset can be flashed but have never heard of flashing the control board.

It would now appear to be down to the manufacturers to offer a repair/replacement for this unit. Replacing the PIC devices woud be the correct way to go but a search via Google was fruitless in this respect.

I must, therefore, advise that I am unable to progress this any further. I confess disappointment at the outcome but the minimalist construction techniques employed these days are sometimes made to 'make' the equipment non-serviceable in the first place (an unfortunate by-product of cheap mass-production techniques).

Given the improbability of finding a manuacturers repair service (not economically viable for them) I would suggest you bite the bullet and purchase a replacement .


Dave Gill'

Karlo ( where's the sick as a parrot emoticon ?)


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Why do I get the feeling that this has a simple answer. I know the two are different animals, but I had a problem with my Autostar 497 controller, and it turned ot to be as simple as a depressed pin in the handset's female connector. They are spring loaded, and for some reason, one had depressed in inserting the connector, but had not returned to normal after removal, causing an O/C situation.

I know this may be a ludicrous suggestion, but hey, when needs must.

Although I feel Dave Gill may have discovered that if it was the problem.


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well I do find it hard to believe that a poor cnxtn from an Rj45(at either end) could have had such a devastating effect on the MCU, so the plan now is:

a) to re-connect everything and try again.

:lol: re-flash the firmware on the H/set

c) give it a good kicking !(used to work on t.v's when I was a kid :grin: )

d) try and find a way of buying an MCU on it's own

e) buy an upgrade kit, sell off the remaining spare bits(eg stepper motors and V3 h/set)

oh and

f) take up TJ's idea of knitting instead.

I mean the rig is only just over a yr old !!


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I think the fact it is just over a year old, and the impact of a major failure like that is going to have on people on this forum, who may be conteplating a purchase, is a reason enough to tackle the manufacturer. That's if you can find someone to listen to your complaint.

I can understand your utter frustration Karlo.

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If push comes to shove you can get a motherboard from the importers, though it's not a standard retail item.

I've ordered a couple over the years for customers, so if you do get stuck I or any other dealer you care to use could deal with it.



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Bern, thank you very much, I am pleased to hear that from yourself and you can guess why. IT might very well be the solution since inspite of my plan(see above) I don't really hold much hope :grin:

Have you any idea of cost and delivery times as I'd be more than happy to buy it thru your good self ?

I had sent an e-mail to OVL last night outlining my problem , doubt if I'll hear anything too soon though.


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Just spoken to OVL and they confirm they're on the case.

Should it come to it, replacement motherboards are in stock and are reduced in price from last year, I'll have an exact figure later. I would only be looking to cover my costs on it anyway.


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