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My First Ever Attempt

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This evening I pointed a camera at the night sky for the very first time.  No fancy equipment, in fact no equipment at all.  Just my trusty work-horse Nikon D100 and a normal camera tripod.

Making Every Photon Count arrived in the post today.  I think I’m hooked already.  Now I best start saving some money for all the ‘real’ kit that I need.  Anyone got any good tips on sweet talking the misses?

My first image is not going to win any prizes, but I’m chuffed to bits with it J


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Yep, you are now officially one of us.

As for sweettalking you wife, nope, no ideas at all.   Maybe the phrase "it's better to ask forgivness" would be appropriate.  Or maybe save up money for your astophotography "tools", but slit the savings in 1/2, one 1/2 for your for the astro stuff.  The other half a donation to her "shoe fund" to placate her?

As for the photo, that's a really nice shot.  It's amazing what you can capture when you have access to a dark sky.   I'm guessing for this winter, it'll be worth your trying out some time lapse maybe or long exposure and capturing some star trails - they'll always good fun :)

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No sweet talking required, just have it delivered to the workplace, sneak it in through the back door - then pretend youve had the kit for ages if you get questioned :D  (though it might be a little difficult if you have something like an NEQ6 or 10" Newt delivered!)

You can also take the view that you havent really spent that much since astro gear holds its value suprisingly well.

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