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Evening All,

Well, I actually managed to get out myself the other night, but once again it was more of a get used to the equipment (in time for kelling) than a serious attempt at imaging.

The FULL moon didn't help either.

But here is something that I cannot even find from my back garden, in fact I could only verify that I had M101 after I attached the camera. Couldn't see it through the EP at all...

Here are 37 x 30 second subs, with 10 darkframes subtracted. Taken prime focus on the ED80 (so F6.9). stacked in DSS and adjusted in PS CS2. No Filters. I was quite pleased that the arms had started to show, more subs and I think the image would turn out OK.


Looking forward to the guiding and using a LPR Filter.

Cheers Ant

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But here is something that I cannot even find from my back garden, in fact I could only verify that I had M101 after I attached the camera. Couldn't see it through the EP at all...

Excellent effort Ant. I am in exactly the same boat as yourself with the LP, I guess that's what goto was invented for though. The LP reduction filter will help somewhat, and of course, when Luna dies down a bit, have another go (weather permitting).

I've found recently as well that there's often more than we realise in these subs so have spent a fair bit of time trying to hone my image manipulation skills a bit (practice makes perfect eh!).

Just noticed that you've picked up at least one of the satellite galaxies as well - well done !


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Cheers Steve,

Even more chuffed now. I'll have a better scan, but straight away I can see..

NGC5474 Mag 11.3

NGC5473 Mag 12.4

I will be out again to sort out the Auto guiding, and try to get more subs and longer subs.



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i'll just tag a bit on Ant. It's good to see you on the imaging trail mate. There's no mistaking what you captured, even if you were plagued with moonlight. You'll be ready for Kelling OK, and with guiding fully operational, you will bag some great stuff for sure.

Ron. :shocked:

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