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EP Decision Decisions


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I have been holding off an an eyepiece for scanning  /star hopping   6"  f 5 DOB

2 for the same price $ 100.00 ( that's my budget )

Celestron - 25 mm X-Cel LX   30X   2°   FOV        NEW
TeleVue Plossl 32mm             23X   2.06°  FOV    USED

Not much in the FOV Department but a nice difference in the magnification department

Which one would you buy for scanning / star hopping?

Thanks in advance

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I'd buy the TV 32mm plossl. I've spent several evenings with just this eyepiece in my 12" dob hopping from galaxy to galaxy. On one memorable night I picked out 60+ faint and new-to-me dso's with the 32mm plossl over a period of 3 hours or so :smiley:

I have had an X-Cel LX 25mm and found it quite decent but not memorable in the way the TV 32mm plossl was.

I'm sure others will disagree with this though but thats my personal experience, for what it's worth :smiley:

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I would opt for the TV also.

The eyepiece is very nice, tends to be sharp and clear - likely the simpler construction.

The one drawback is that the eye relief will be about 20-24mm which means you may be holding your head somewhat "in space" away from the eyepiece and not in contact with it.

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Not really a difficult choice, having owned both the TV is the better option. One point that is worth a mention though is that the Xcel was more forgiving with eye positioning.

The TV will always re-sell without much of a loss should you not get on with it and decide to sell it :smiley:

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You will not be . That is a fantastic eyepiece you have and impossible to beat at that price!  :cool:

I tested out the EP last night on some double stars and clusters , My favorite M 45 Pleiades was very sharp .

They also all looked a little cleaner

I am definitely NOT disappointed :smiley:  :smiley:  :smiley: 

Thanks every one again .

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